Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama Regime Submits To Iran, Won't Take Any Action

Story here.
US deputy defense secretary Michele Flournoy said Wednesday, April 21: "The US has ruled out a military strike against Iran's nuclear program any time soon."  This is the first time a senior administration official has publicly admitted that America has dropped its military option against Iran. Instead, said Flournoy, the US is hoping that "negotiations and United Nations sanctions will prevent the Middle East nation from developing nuclear weapons." 

Oh, crap.  I can see the Iranian tyrants laughing and dancing...

Yeah, right.  Sit down and talk, and let the UN deal with 'er.

In other words, they just gave up.  And will simply let Iran do whatever it wants.

This after turning their backs on Israel, the only Free World nation in the Middle East.
(...) gone back on the longstanding American commitment assuring Israel of recognized and defensible borders in any future accommodation with its Arab neighbors.

Barack Hussein Obama, born a Muslim, has, whilst boosting the power of the Islamic Republic, kicked Israel while she is down. 

Fools.  The world is even less safe now.  The big hand has advanced a little closer to midnight...


Anonymous said...

When O'Bastard was elected I remember saying to the fellow next to me. "Can you hear that? That's the sound of 5 million assholes tightening at the same time.... and I think it's coming from Isreal."

Well he didn't get it... and I knew why we lost...
∞ ≠ ΓΈ ☺

Canadian Sentinel said...

Lovely metaphor. A constipation pandemic resulting from Obama's election... The big pharmas must've made a fortune on muscle relaxants after that happened...