Following up on an earlier post...
Story here. Read it all for yourself.
Google has been caught red-handed practicing deliberate discrimination against conservative voices on the internet. In direct violation of the American constitution's First Amendment guaranteeing free speech. And in direct violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms' guarantee of the right to freedom of expression.
Google has been singling out conservative news websites for cutting-off from its search engine. Google has used specific articles written by specific authors which it claims constitute "hate speech" as a justification for cutting off the host sites of those articles. Yet Google, in a deliberate act of unconstitutional discrimination, continues to link to the very same articles... on left-leaning sites.
(Please note: I'm currently nervous as I fear Google, the owner of Blogger, the software and host upon which I do these posts, will potentially, in an act of retaliation, delete this blog or at least cease to include it in their searches. Nevertheless, I'll do this post. They may have a legal right to terminate the service for this blog, but should they do so, it would be very, very negative public relations for them and could hurt their bottom line and position wrt their competition. They're already filthified by being exposed as no longer being "unbiased" and "totally automated", as they promised when they first came into existence. Should Google retaliate against me for my critical post on their behavior, fine... I'll then sign up with a competing blog host and continue to do what I do. But I hope they'll see the error of their ways and redeem themselves before they do irreparable harm to their empire and earning power. After all, no business is invincible and can cease to exist if it does business in a manner that would terminate itself as a going concern.)
There seems to be a common denominator in Google's discrimination in addition to the one concerning the impacted sites' political spectral orientation: critical examination and commentary wrt radical, fundamentalist Islam and terrorism. Ironic, as I doubt Google has censored anything critical of Christianity or Judaism or any other non-Islamic religion.
One of the sites which suffered this discrimination at the hands of Google, the New Media Journal, has begun a campaign of providing an alternative to Google as a search engine. Click here to see for yourself and, if you wish, submit an alternative search engine to the New Media Journal's Anti-Google Search Engine Index.
Below is an image which can be placed on a blog's sidebar to link to the Anti-Google Search Engine Index. Although I won't place it on my own sidebar for an obvious reason, I encourage y'all to do so.

And, folks, always remember, you don't have to "Google" stuff... you can always "Yahoo" it instead.
Oh, dear... I hope my blog doesn't get terminated by that big, powerful, leftist corporation...
Maybe George Orwell was right... Big Brother is watching us!