Aaron Klein, author of the devastating "The Manchurian President", brings us yet more devastating information about Barack HUSSEIN Obama...
Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of Obama's longtime Chicago church, went with Farrakhan to visit Gadhafi in 1984.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Wright himself noted the trip could cause problems for Obama.
"When [Obama's] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli to visit [Gadhafi] with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell."
Farrakhan, a close friend and associate of Wright, has been financed by Gadhafi, including with a $5 million interest-free loan in 1985.
Later that year, Gadhafi spoke by satellite to Farrakhan's Saviour's Day Convention in Chicago, and reportedly told Farrakhan supporters he was prepared to provide weapons to a black army in the U.S. to destroy "white America."
Right. I know. "All lies". "Racism". Etc., etc. Obama's defending brownshirters will be fast and furious with the retaliation against the inconvenient truth, without even looking at the evidence.
Shee-it. If a Republican or Tea Partier had such ties, their political career would be instantly dead.
But Barack Hussein Obama will be protected by his propaganda forces in the so-called "mainstream" media, and millions of guillible voters will be unaware of the truth.
Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs tells us some other stuff...
Gaddafi stressed that Obama's presidency is "a major historical gain" and said, "He is someone I consider a friend. He knows he is a son of Africa. Regardless of his African belonging, he is of Arab Sudanese descent, or of Muslim descent. He is a man whose policy should be supported, and he should be assisted in implementing it in any way possible, since he is now leaning towards peace."
He continued, "I urge all peoples to give him this chance and to support this policy, because America is a country that, when its policy is bad – harms the world, and when it is good – it helps the world."
This endorsement ought to be poisonous, toxic and fatally radioactive politically. But for millions of American voters, they will not "be told" because their "trusted sources" will not tell them about it.
AND BECAUSE millions of American voters are unaware of the dangerousness of Barack Hussein Obama, they would be willing to vote for him in the admittedly highly unlikely event that he'd somehow be nominated a second time for Democratic Presidential Contender...
So, if, in the unlikely event that he were to be President a second time (despite never proving his Constitutional Eligibility therefor), America (and the world) would be in grave danger...