Story here.
It's sure to unhinge the lurking, trolling zombie-looking, kool-aid swilling Obama followers... they're certain to attack the messenger as...
"Oh, I'm very sorry, buddy, but, you see, WND is not credible because it's not big-money, big-corporation mainstream media, as only mainstream media can ever be believed... what... Dan Rather? CBS? Fake document? Blogger exposed it all? No, no, noooooo! Shut up, you racist!"...
...(Note that MSMer Dan Rather's infamous, arrogant lie about Bush was debunked, but I have yet to see the Left debunk the inconvenient reports coming from the non-MSM, so I see no problem in passing on the reports, as fair's fair, and the MSM passes on all kinds of negative "information" about "right-wingers" which they don't prove but which voters take as if fact, so... fair's fair. Sure, on a few occassions, it turns out to be incorrect, but then again, guess what- it also sometimes turns out to be incorrect when the big-money MSM does the reporting! Is your brain feeling a little different right now? Hmm?)
The MSM also uses "sources" as their proof, even though they don't name them.
(Empasis mine)
HONOLULU, Hawaii – The late Marxist activist Frank Marshall Davis, frequently accompanied by young Barack Obama and his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham, sold marijuana and cocaine from a "Chicago style" hot dog cart Davis operated near his home on Kuhio Avenue in Waikiki in the early 1970s, WND has established. A credible source, a well-known resident of Honolulu who spoke at length with WND on condition he not be named, disclosed that Davis was the source of drugs consumed by Obama. Davis was also the author of an autobiographical novel boasting of "swinging" and sex with minors, a copy of which WND obtained from Andrew Walden, a resident of the Hawaiian island of Hilo and publisher of the Hawaii Free Press.
This only adds to the long, long list of disturbing associations between Obama and disturbing extremists, associations which should be raising concerns more widely, but which the big-money mainstream media appears to be carefully suppressing for some reason, a reason which begs investigation to determine who's the driving force behind this suppression. After all, the American People have every right to the truth and every right to demand it...
There's also an account of the supposed moment at which Obama had first been made to believe that it's ok to be hateful as long as the color of one's skin is dark enough. Looks to me (and many others) like he still believes it. Couple this information with the inconvenient truth that Obama spent two whole decades attending a "church" pastored by a hateful, racist, anti-American extremist named Wright, only curtailing attendance for political optics after all the inconvenient commentary about such attendance and the hateful pastor.
It sounds as if Obama has been prejudiced by another person... and that he still harbors this prejudice, if one has read his autobiography, which experts have determinded, via handwriting analysis was actually written by Obama's good friend, the known terrorist Ayers...
Here's the disturbing incident, in which it's clear that this radical mentor Davis is said to instill racial hatred and xenophobia into young Barry:
Davis told Obama, "She understands that black people have a reason to hate."
In response, Obama said, "The earth shook under my feet, ready to crack open at any moment. I stopped, trying to steady myself, and knew for the first time that I was utterly alone."
You know, this is pretty much the same way which the disgusting, reprehensible "skinheads" become prejudiced- via being told prejudicial stuff, by folks with whom they'd become comfortable and up to whom they look for guidance, and would easily believe the prejudice-mongering. In this case it's said that he was essentially given guidance by a suspected Communist that he should be hateful just because he's, well, got darker skin than "the others". What's the difference? Prejudice is prejudice; racism is racism; hate is hate, no matter what one's skin color or whatever, and I reject that it can be rationalized, for to rationalize that which is evil is to rationalize, by extension, evil itself, and to do that will infinitely corrupt one's character. In a nutshell, intolerance and xenophobia is not acceptable in the least for anyone and should most definitely especially be openly, publicly, widely discussed in light of a person's seeking political power, and any suspicions that the person might be somehow prejudiced must necessarily be addressed, no matter whom the person might be, no matter what his or her skin color. To ignore such concerns in Obama's case would be no different from ignoring the concerns that were rightly raised and aired about David Duke, who most recently attended Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disgusting Holocaust-denial conference, by the way.
This information only adds to the questions being asked about the mysterious Obama, who appears set to take power over America and Americans, apparently on behalf of seen and unseen others... Yes, the irony of it is that the Democratic Party of which Obama is a member is the party that offshot as its murderous militant wing the dreaded Ku Klux Klan and which even now has a former Klan Grand Kleagle as a sitting Senator representing the Party... Like I say, the Left is a movement of bizarre, inexplicable, scary ironies and contraindications... how can anyone trust the Left, or any Leftists, then, like, say, the mysterious, relatively-unknown, Obama?
It reminds me of the time the reprehensible, disgusting, detestable David Duke tried to become President. Of course, in his case, the MSM had no problem calling him what he is and completely destroying any possibility of him achieving power, and the MSM was right to do that, although it's unfortunate that they refuse to consider the possibility in this case that the candidate in question today might be a racist, too.
The Telegraph of London reported in August that Davis and Stanley Dunham smoked marijuana together and that Obama was first introduced to Davis by Dunham in 1970, when Obama returned from Indonesia.
So what if back then Obama was a kid? Nothing stops kids from associating with and being influenced and prejudiced by older mentors, does it? I don't believe that it's valid, therefore, to dismiss revelations of past disturbing mentor-protege associations involving known or suspected extremists just because someone was a youth and not an adult. After all, although one certainly can, one doesn't automatically "grow out of" prejudices acquired during one's critical formative years. One can continue, for the rest of one's life, to harbor these prejudices deep down, living a normal life, and these deep-rooted prejudices can always be recalled and brought to the forefront without one even realizing it. In someone like the President of the most powerful nation on Earth, this is potentially dangerous. Hence the urgency of examination of one's past, particularly one's critical formative years, and of any mentors of questionable character, not to mention more recent statements and writings made by the person (many of which are disturbing yet unreported by the big-money Leftist MSM).In other commentary, this time by David Kupelian (an astonishingly intelligent person whose striking ability to understand and explain the real world astonishes me), author of The Marketing of Evil, a shocking, fully-referenced, true expose of the whole radical Leftist movement, which I've personally read and fully recommend to everyone as an absolute must-read, we consider whether Barack Hussein Obama is a "Manchurian Candidate" (I recently watched the contmporary movie remake and understand what this means; I recommend acquiring the movie and watching it, too, before election day, although I now realize that the remake was heavily rewritten, obviously by contemporary Leftist Hollywood propaganda writers, going from having the entity behind the Candidate being the Communists to being a big corporation, and also using the Iraq conflict as a backdrop, so we'd be best advised to see the original movie as well.). Go here for the discussion. After all, in past presidential contests, Americans have flatly rejected ultraliberal candidates like McGovern, Mondale and Dukakis – and those guys weren't nearly as radicalized as Obama, who the nonpartisan National Journal rates as having the most left-wing voting record in the entire U.S. Senate – even more so than socialist Bernie Sanders! Moreover, recently it's been proven, despite his campaign's denials, that Obama was indeed a member of the socialist "New Party." And Obama himself confesses that during his college days he intentionally sought out Marxists as friends. So, how do we explain all this? Why are so many of us eager to turn our nation, the greatest and noblest on earth, over to an angry-at-America, hardcore left-wing "change agent" who will – with the help of a like-minded, Democrat-dominated Congress and a liberal-activist federal judiciary – bring about radical "change" to every area of our lives? Just consider:
In the classic 1962 movie thriller "The Manchurian Candidate," a man was programmed by communist handlers, and then emerged into the public arena as a hero, with a largely manufactured history, large parts of which were either obscured or changed. Then he was planted into a position of great influence, having been programmed to usher in tremendous change at the appointed time.
Barack Obama was programmed for years by his atheist, Muslim father, by the communist sex pervert Frank Marshall Davis, by con man Tony Rezko, by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and others – most of all by black liberation theology screamer Jeremiah Wright. Obama's resume is largely manufactured. There is a total blackout on his college years. His campaign obscures what he did as a "community organizer." All his radical associations are denied or minimized. His miserable legislative record (voting "present" over 100 times to avoid taking a stand), his lack of achievement, his radical views and so on – all have been laundered through the magic of public relations into the near-sacred saga of "The One" who has been sent to serve, and to save, America.
Go ahead, read the rest. It's an absolute must-read!