(Emphasis mine)
An ignorance of history can leave an entire generation vulnerable to threats they may otherwise dismiss as bombast.
Most who lived during the 1930s rise of the Nazi’s Third Reich are dead and all that’s left are the images on the History Channel. That’s why the sight of goose-stepping Iranian soldiers is eerily redolent of goose-stepping German storm troopers.
In an even more bizarre reflection of the German regime that emerged in the 1930s is the obsessive rhetoric blaming the Jews for the troubles of the Middle East and the threats to wipe Israel off the map. In the midst of WWII, the Nazis diverted important resources to round up and kill six million European Jews, along with five million Christians, Gypsies, homosexuals, and others they deemed “sub-human” or political enemies.
History reveals that the desperate diplomacy of the 1930s was merely a prelude to World War II. It is likely to be the same for WW III if everyone waits around for the new Iranian Hitler’s to fulfill their threats.
Continue reading Goose-Stepping Iranians
Unfortunately, too many in the Free World fail to see the very clear parallel. Iran, as well as Islam in general, is now the greatest threat facing humanity.
TCS flashback : The Muslim Nazis
Photographs of Muslims doing the Nazi salute:
(h/t: www.faithfreedom.org)

Religion of peace??????