Al Qaeda-linked Sheikh Gilani
Counterterrorism blogger "CP" has posted his response to the Bin Ladenesque psychobabble of Sheikh Gilani, of the Jamaat ul Fuqra terror training camps in North America and Pakistan.
The Sheikh, unhinged over the continuing investigation and exposition of himself and his organization's vile reality, had, among other things, bizarrely accused the investigators of being "perpetrators of international terrorism".
The more the enemy is investigated and exposed, the more difficult it will be for them to move forward with whatever training, preparation and execution of whatever terrible plans they may have.
A nervous enemy makes more mistakes. And nervousness-caused mistakes on their part tends to save lives that may otherwise be lost should they have focus and confidence in their evil deeds.
We are watching you, Sheikh Gilani and your vile, greedy, murder-bent ilk. Our numbers are growing. And your people are defecting to the side of good, to the side of the Free World, to expose you to the light of day. No longer can you count on operating under perfect cover of darkness and the shelter of political correctness. Increasingly, you're less able to use our virtues against us, for your own (former) people have chosen to reject you and your dogmatic nonsense and seek to put you out of commission for good.
My fellow Free World citizens: Let's roll!