Saturday, April 29, 2006

Complete Video, Translation of Al-Zawahiri Video: NIN

The Northeast Intelligence Network has acquired the complete video recording of Osama Bin Laden's second-in-command's latest videotaped message and provides an English translation.

See the Al-Zawahiri video and translation here.

Al-Zawahiri cites from the Koran, indicating that Islam forbids Muslims from being friendly with Jews and Christians:

"O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guideth not a people unjust." Al-Maidah 5:51

That particular verse I've encountered before. This isn't a positive development for Islam: the Number Two of Al Qaeda citing the Koran where it says such a thing. Now we know that Muslims are forbidden in their faith to be our friends. And, where does the Koran and Allah get off declaring the JudeoChristian people "unjust"? What chutzpah! After all, Islam is a cult for which human rights is an alien term... and doesn't provide for fair trials. How is, therefore, Islam "just"? It is the Free World that is just, notwithstanding the claims otherwise by the dormant-brained moonbats. There's no question about who's the "just" party here! Al-Zawahiri has merely confirmed that he is a fool and has exposed to the world a bit more of the xenophobic reality of Islam.

Al-Zawahiri also calls Pakistani President Musharraf a "traitor". He speaks thusly:

...Musharraf's combating of Islam in Pakistan. With an order from the Crusaders, he provided all the backing needed to expel the Islamic Emirate from Kabul. And he has made war on the Islamic schools, and is seeking to review the Hudood Act, in addition to inventing – with Crusader guidance – a new Qadiani creed which invites the people to an Islam without Jihad and without enjoining of good and prohibition of evil and without observation of the rules of the Shari'ah, which he calls "Enlightened

Note above Al-Zawahiri spoke of Musharraf's invitation to people to embrace an "Islam without Jihad". Hmm... so Islam is about Jihad, after all... the Islamist in question said so. More damning evidence that Islam is not a "religion of peace", notwithstanding what we're told and notwithstanding Muslims who may want it to be. The minority of Muslims who want it to be about peace and tolerance unfortunately don't control the international body of Islam and are therefore completely powerless to stop the march towards international jihadism of which the majority of Muslims are speaking and are supporting. The truth of the matter is that Islam is now the greatest threat ever facing humanity.

He spends the majority of the speech condemning the Pakistani President.

He closes by demanding that the Pakistani military stop following orders from their commanders, reminding then of what the Koran says about apostasy ("unbelief" in Allah).

And don't forget, Al-Zawahiri, as is Bin Laden, is hugely popular in the Islamic world, not to mention with Muslims living in the Free World as well. Therefore, the fact that they're listening to and agreeing with such theology-based rhetoric isn't a promising sign for Islam when it comes to the question of hopes for peace.

Now we must deal with Iran.

SmallDeadAnimals has a post now re. the video as well, with links to more.