World Net Daily story here.
In an exclusive interview with Paul L. Williams, author of the new book, “The Dunces of Doomsday,” and David Dastych in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, Hamid Mir says bin Laden is not only alive and well but in the process of preparing a video-taped appearance for al-Jazeera, the Qatari Arabian news network.
Mir, who conducted the only post-9/11 interviews with bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, says that he remains in sporadic indirect contact with the elusive emir and other al-Qaida officials.
During one of Mir's interviews, bin Laden announced that he had managed to acquire nuclear weapons for use in the great jihad against the United States.
Naturally, leftists will dismiss this in their typical knee-jerk fashion. But what if Mr. Mir is actually telling the truth? And what if Bin Laden also told him the truth about having acquired nuclear weapons?
Can we afford to believe that it's not the case, that there's nothing to worry about? Is it logical to assume that just because there hasn't been another 9/11-scale attack since 9/11/2001, there won't ever be another?
Personally, I'd rather ignore the risk of allowing Michael Jackson to babysit or the risk of taking a ride with Ted Kennedy or the risk inherent in going to bed with Lorena Bobbitt. It's also bad enough that the Al-Qaeda-member Khadr family is "legally" roaming freely among us and that child sex-killer Karla Homolka has been freed to do howsoever she pleases with whomsoever she pleases, thanks to the impositive power of leftism as we suffered under the now-dethroned "Liberal" regime.
Besides, the Islamofascist-ruled Iran, loudly trumpeting its ambitions to wipe out all who differ and to take over the world, has declared that it already has nuclear technology.
Read also this NewsMax report on the new MidEast "Axis of Terror".
"The alliance that is emerging in this part of the world is a creation of Iran," Sami Moubayed, a Syrian political analyst, told the Monitor.
"It wants to bolster its position by allying itself with countries or groups that can temporarily enhance its regional role and influence." Israel's United Nation envoy Dan Gillerman dubbed this alliance the "new axis of terror" on Tuesday after a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv that killed nine Israelis was blamed on the Iranian-funded Islamic Jihad.
We see the ominous dark clouds on the horizon. Is the storm approaching? And how bad is it?