Thursday, April 20, 2006

JuF Terror Cult Still Recruiting Jihadists for Afghan Fighting

Photo: JuF Founder and jihadist recruiter Sheikh Mubarik Gilani

Continuing the exposure of the Pakistan/North American organized-crime/terror training/recruitment organization, Jamaat ul Fuqra and its founder, Sheikh Mubarik Gilani:

Story here. Do read it all for yourself. "CP" and the ex-JuF member, "Fuqra Hater", continue to work together to expose JuF and Sheikh Gilani.

Excerpted from the discussion provided within the post:

CP: So, Gilani is still recruiting jihadis to fight US/Coalition troops?

FH: Yes. But you see, undercover. As you state in your blogs, things are fronts. Where do you think some of the money goes?

Anyone hear anything of this via the MSM? I'm not holding my breath.

Background on JuF