I say:
Men do it all the time, in all sorts of ways, all kinds of places. And no one really cares, plus if they complain, people will think they're nuts.
Now understand that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that gender cannot be used as grounds for discrimination. Period.
So why is it still largely illegal in Canada for women to have their breasts, including the nipples, exposed (Ontario being the exception, but there's still discrimination with respect to the displaying of the female nipple as compared to the displaying of the male nipple)?
Recall the national debate about and the Liberals' undemocratic imposition of legalized gay marriage on Canada, which is NOT something the Charter even addresses. The Liberals and the proponents argued that it was in the Charter, but if one looks for any mention of marriage or of sexual preference in the document, one will NOT find it.
The Charter clearly forbids discrimination on the basis of gender. Yet, Canada still discriminates against women when it comes to nipple visibility in public. This is undeniable. This is indubitably discrimination against women.
Whatever the arguments against allowing women to enjoy the Charter's guarantee of equality when it comes to this issue, they are irrelevant. The Charter is very clear! If someone is uncomfortable at the sight of anything in particular, then they can ignore it. The Charter does not allow for discrimination

Besides, we've all heard about those "gay pride" parades, right? It's a fact that homosexuals are permitted to be completely naked, genitals and all, in these parades, which include child spectators, and are never arrested for such a clear infraction of the law with respect to public nudity.
So if it's ok for gays to be naked in public (I don't care if it's for a special parade; the Charter does not address that at all), then why is it still publicly unacceptable and illegal for heterosexual women to do what all men can do should they so choose?
And what about all the talk of a "woman's right to choose"? Doesn't it apply beyond infanticide?
Why doesn't the left, and why don't radical "feminists" demand that women not be discriminated against in this manner?
It is irrelevant whether anyone wants to see female nipples or not. Many people don't feel comfortable at the sight of all kinds of things, but there's nothing we're allowed to do. In fact, if we complain, we could very well find ourselves being ordered by some "Human Rights" Commission or Tribunal to surrender thousands of dollars for "expressing hatred" or whatever.
If we're forbidden to complain about, for example, gays kissing in public, then we should also be forbidden to complain about the display of female nipples in public.
Come on!
Are women equal or not? Do women have a "right to choose" or not?