Monday, April 03, 2006

Toronto Subway Most Likely Target for Attack: Study

Following the bombing yesterday at a Tim Hortons directly across the street from the Toronto Subway, I recalled this piece of information I had the presence of mind to save for possible future reference.

Story here.

OTTAWA — Canadians believe a terrorist attack on their country is unlikely but feel if one did happen, the Toronto subway is the most probable target.

That's the picture painted by a federal focus-group study of views in several major cities on the prospects of a 9/11-style assault.


"For many, Toronto's size, international profile and economic and financial importance to Canada made it the most probable target, especially by participants from this city.''

Public transportation systems, particularly subways, figured as a potential target because they would be easy to attack and such a crime would succeed in spreading mass fear.

Read it all for yourself. And remember that the Tim Horton's blast occured directly across the street from the subway.

Add up all the evidence, however circumstantial, and you have a better, clearer picture of the situation.

Can we really rule out that yesterday's bombing was about more than the police are telling us?