Well, "your Emesis," that’s quite a charge. In response, allow me to quote the old adage: “Me thinks thou doth protest too much.”
In 1989, federal authorities conducted a raid of an al Fuqra storage facility in Colorado, finding ten handguns and silencers, 30 pounds of explosives, and target-practice
silhouettes pierced with bullet holes and labeled "FBI Antiterrorist Team" and
"Zionist Pig," pipe bombs, and explosive components. Authorities also found blank birth certificates, Social Security cards, and false licenses. Police also found information on local military installations and electrical power lines, cell phone sites, gas and oil fields, plus "attack plans" against various targets. Military-style manuals on "Guerrilla Warfare," "Counter Guerrilla Operations," "Understanding Amateur Radio," "Fair Weather Flying," and "Basic Blueprint Reading" were also recovered. One of the targets, identified in the locker - a moderate imam, was brutally stabbed to death four months later.
If the name Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani sounds familiar, it should. He is the person who is most commonly recognized as the man Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was to meet in Pakistan when he was kidnapped in January 2002, savagely murdered and ultimately beheaded – all in the name of Islam.
Daniel Pearl
Mr. Hagmann continues:
Although jailed briefly for suspicion of murder, Gilani was later released. But he has a much longer and equally insidious history with Islamic terrorism, such as his participation at a 1993 meeting of terrorists in Sudan, where he rubbed elbows with none other than Osama bin Laden. In fact, there is sufficient evidence linking Gilani and ul Fuqra to al Qaeda. One of the men who assisted al Fuqra in 1989 was Wadih el-Hage, an al Qaeda member sentenced to life in prison for his role in the 1998 embassy bombings. Further, there is a body of evidence that suggests that “shoe bomber” Richard Reid is a follower of ul Fuqra, and one of the infamous “beltway snipers” may have obtained assistance from one of the jamaats.
A must-read. Click here if you haven't already gone to the Hagmann link.
Some will naturally protest that this evidence is circumstantial, but there's so much of it, it all ties together logically, etc. And remember, we're at war with terror. We cannot demand everything and everyone go all the way to the Supreme Courts of the US and of Canada and the rest of the Free World. When we know for ourselves via a damning preponderance of evidence, that is enough for us to, at a minimum, continue to investigate and to shine the spotlight on those involved. And to watch and be ready for any suspicious activity.
We cannot afford to take chances. We cannot afford to be politically correct. We cannot afford to ignore the reality of the world.
We cannot surrender to the enemies of freedom, democracy and the rule of law!
We must maintain our relentless vigilance!
Let's roll!