Kennedy's letter here. It's an eye-opener.
CNS story here.
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, confirmed to the authenticity of the letter, which he said offers proof that Kennedy, regularly lauded for his pro-abortion stance by pro-abortion groups liked Planned Parenthood and NARAL, was pro-life in his early days as a Massachusetts senator.
“Senator Kennedy’s letter, which I have right here in front of me, is striking in that he doesn’t see this as a difficult issue,” Donohue told “He says, clearly, ‘When history looks back to this era it should recognize this generation as one which cared about human beings enough to halt the practice of war, to provide a decent living for every family, and to fulfill its responsibility to its children from the very moment of conception.’”
“That’s an unequivocal condemnation of abortion,” Donohue said.
Donohue said the rise of the feminist movement within the Democratic Party is, in part, responsible for the shift from its leaders’ pro-life stand, including that of President John F. Kennedy, to the kind of pro-abortion views espoused by Sen. Ted Kennedy, including his opposition to a ban on partial-birth abortion, as reported earlier by
Again we see how easily politicians throw away their morals in favor of being elected. They do it just like that. Many folks are that easily corrupted, given the lure of money, fame and power.
Same thing happened with homosexual "marriage".
Wonder what else it'll happen with next? Seems nothing's sacred anymore, and Leftists have zero morals. How far will they dare go?
Apparently this isn't exactly news. Free Republic reported on the letter back in 2005.
The Wall Street Journal, earlier this year, discussed how abortion "became a Kennedy dogma", and mentioned Ted:
Even Ted Kennedy, who gets a 100% pro-choice rating from the abortion-rights group Naral, was at one time pro-life. In fact, in 1971, a full year after New York had legalized abortion, the Massachusetts senator was still championing the rights of the unborn. In a letter to a constituent dated Aug. 3, 1971, he wrote: "When history looks back to this era it should recognize this generation as one which cared about human beings enough to halt the practice of war, to provide a decent living for every family, and to fulfill its responsibility to its children from the very moment of conception."
Apparently Democrats decided to become pro-abortion simply for reasons of getting votes:
But that all changed in the early '70s, when Democratic politicians first figured out that the powerful abortion lobby could fill their campaign coffers (and attract new liberal voters). Politicians also began to realize that, despite the Catholic Church's teachings to the contrary, its bishops and priests had ended their public role of responding negatively to those who promoted a pro-choice agenda.
It's shameful that the Catholic Church had fallen pretty much silent on the issue, refraining from criticizing Catholic politicians who espouse un-Catholic policies. One must wonder why, particularly since there's all kinds of organizations out there who will demonize any politician who opposes abortion. Why must the Church be silent, when others aren't? Whatever happened to equal rights, and the Constitution's guarantee of freedom of religion and freedom of speech?
In some cases, church leaders actually started providing "cover" for Catholic pro-choice politicians who wanted to vote in favor of abortion rights. At a meeting at the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport, Mass., on a hot summer day in 1964, the Kennedy family and its advisers and allies were coached by leading theologians and Catholic college professors on how to accept and promote abortion with a "clear conscience."
"Clear conscience". Yeah, right; suuuure. They'll tell themselves and each other whatever they want, deluding themselves, falling into the abyss of denial. This is how people become Leftists! In fact, the process whereby people chuck their morals into the trash is actually evil in action.
It's a mental disorder. It's what Leftist ideologues have in common, whether they wear a suit and sit in a legislature, or walk down the street wearing ridiculous-looking getups, holding up signs equating the Star of David to a swastika, Bush to Hitler and all that crap. Of course, when Bush was in power, the guys in the suits praised the weirdoes with the nasty signs, whereas now that Obama's in power, the guys in the suits now condemn anyone who dares dissent as an extremist, a teabagger, a mobster, a racist, a Nazi and so on and so forth.
Leftists. Those poor, corrupt, two-faced souls. May the Lord have mercy on them.
Of course, Leftists can always choose to leave the Left and save themselves.
Better to be a former Leftist than to be left behind.