Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sorry Cooper: 'Teabagging' Slur Was 'Silly, Stupid'

Story here.

ht: Drudge

"I think it's an incorrect statement to say I was, in any way, trying to disparage legitimate protests,"

Yeah, right, sure. Whatever you say or believe was on your mind at the time, ok. Maybe temporary childishness, temporary insanity, whatever. But the problem is that you did what you did, and the damage was done, plus the agenda of your group of orientation, the Extreme, Obama-Protecting Left, to which you may or may not realize you at least de-facto belong, was achieved, and your contriteness is unfortunately a bit too little too late.

Everyone of us, without exception, must face the consequences of inappropriate behavior.

It's time for a little "sensitivity training" session.

This unprofessional behavior, which you rightly point out to be widespread across the Media of Mass Deception (MMD), needs to be openly discussed so as to send the message to journalists that they're expected to be fair and polite and unbiased in reporting, including to those with whom they may not necessarily share an opinion (you guys are, interetingly, more polite to the enemies of America, like Islamofascists and neo-Communist tyrants, ultra-radically-militant, supremacist, intolerant sexual extremists, racists, etc.) than you are to ordinary, law-abiding, peaceful, patriotic Americans exercising their Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. And this is totally wrong.

I see you understand, at least in hindsight:

"I don't think it's my job to disparage, or encourage, which oddly other networks seemed to be doing. Protest is the great right of all Americans, and it's not my job in any way to make fun of people or disparage what they're doing."
Of course it's not your job to behave as you did.

Good for you. Repentance, especially open repentance, is good and sends the right message to other journalists who need such sensitivity training or lesson-learning.

"If people took offense to that and felt that I was disparaging their legitimate right to protest, and what they were doing, then that is something I truly regret, because I don't believe in doing that," he said. "Having this discussion just takes away from the real story."

Yes, it does take away from the real story (which you should have identified in your apology as the widespread opposition to the policies of the current government in Washington, including the current President, Obama, plus the Democratic-controlled Congress and Senate), and you started it, as did others like you who chose to behave in an unprofessional manner, which is unfortunately all too common when journalists are dealing with unspecial, ordinary non-Leftists with whom they don't agree.

Remember: If a journalist wouldn't dare say something that would offend ultra-special folks like homosexuals (they wouldn't dare call them "faggots"!) or Muslims (they must be very careful not to offend them, too, obviously!), then you shouldn't treat conservatives of any kind with any less respect. Even if they're protesting Obama and his policies!