Friday, May 14, 2010

Glenn Beck Points Finger At Canada's George Soros Maurice Strong, that is.  Yup.  The Canadian Man-Behind-the-Curtain, just like Yankee buddy George Soros.

“Having cashed in his Kyoto credits and having launched his ManyOne Internet project from afar, Strong is back on the international scene, ready or not.  With his latest comeback, the elusive Strong is stepping back into the limelight after his alleged links to the UN Oil-forFood scandal took him off the radar screen for more than a year.  This comeback sees Strong teaming up in the biz world with George Soros.  The deadly duo aims to flood the American market with cheap Chinese-made cars. (Strong & Soros in Business: A Partnership from Hell, CFP, June 15, 2006).

“Strong’s public predictions that China would replace the United States, as world superpower is not happening fast enough.  So Strong and President George W. Bush malcontent George Soros are contemplating pouring hundreds of millions into a Communist China automaker that manufactures the “Chery”.”

So Strong and Soros were working on anti-American schemes as far back as 2006.

Oh, and joining those two scary guys is Malcolm Bricklin.  Yup.  The guy who built the lemony Bricklin SV1 and who brought the piece-of-crap Commie car, the Yugo, to North America...  And who screwed New Brunswick out of millions...


∞ ≠ ø said...

I saw this segment on Beck. When he talks about the internet being "cleansed" this is not paranoia. I just dabble here and there and the evidence is astounding to me. Internet cleansing to book burning is not a huge leap by any means.

(C.S. Your link on Bricklin is a dupe of the Strong/Soros link.)

Anyhow.. I knew you'd pick up on this story... and... I feel obliged to offer my usual contribution.

Maurice Strong: Soaring Rectum

Canadian Sentinel said...

Hmm. "Soaring Rectum". Of course. "Soros" means "soar". They're both recta. Put 'em together, you got soaring recta...

Jen said...

Glenn continues next week on this same segment CRIME INC.

CBC-CRIME INC-LIBERALS-media-Can you imagine CBC doing this?

If you have any information re-to Mo Strong to send it to Glenn.

Watcher said...

If your TV provider doesn't carry Glenn Beck, I recommend going to You can pull up the entire program sans commercials. I've been watching his shows on Crime Inc. Its compelling stuff.

Canadian Sentinel said...

Yup, I knew that. Cool that we can see all those reruns of all kinds of shows online. Only problem for me is that they're not normally captioned online like they are on TV (can't hear a thing, so I rely on captions, 'cause people mumble real fast on TV and are generally too hard to lipread, especially with the cameras switching back and forth all the time)... Perhaps one day I'll get one of those implant thingies Rush Limbaugh got after his hearing ability quit on him (apparently it works for him)...

Canadian Sentinel said...

BTW, Bricklin had the SV1 factory right here in Saint John where I live. I've actually seen a few still rolling around out there, though it's been a few years since I last saw one, probably 'cause they finally collapsed into useless heaps of metal and fiberglass. Bricklin did the whole auto-manufacturing thing entirely by the seat of his pants, with taxpayer money (some of which he might've pocketed to live high on the hog) not having the first clue what the hell he was doing, and hired equally-clueless and inept family members to run the factory. No wonder the car was a P.O.S that was a massive loss to sell.

I've also read something about Bricklin, former Premier Hatfield and notorious homopedophile monster Karl Toft cruising around together... Scary stuff... and now Soros and Strong are a-conspiring with Bricklin, trying to destroy the N.A. auto industry by bringing cheap SinoCommie deathtraps to N.A. at low prices... How can the rational person see them as anything but evil?