Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bombs From Lebanon Hit Israel

Story here.

If it had been the other way around, the international left would be condemning Israel, no matter what.

Don't expect the international left to worry about Israel being hit by an Arab/Islamic state/geopolitical entity. After all, according to leftist ideology, Israel is a Jewish state and is therefore always guilty of wrongdoing, whereas Muslim states/geopolitical entities are always innocent, no matter how many actual innocents they kill, no matter whether the innocents are Muslims or Jews.

In fact, the international left, I accuse, cheers (or at least yawns) every time a Muslim entity of any kind causes Israel any kind of harm. Just like those who would accuse a rape victim of being at fault for the rape (Oh, wait! That's how it works in Islam- rape is always the female victim's fault and she must therefore be brutally punished according to Islamic/Sharia law). One could consider Israel to have that in common with Muslim women who are raped and blamed for it.

Regardless, it is the responsiblity of the Government of Lebanon what has happened. If the Government of Lebanon had done its job and cracked down on the Islamic jihadists within its borders and had made it publicly known that any form of jihadist behavior within Lebanese borders would be sanctioned as harshly as possible, then we might be able to give Lebanon some benefit of doubt. But we cannot now. Lebanon has clearly allowed Islamic fundamentalism, supremacism, imperialism and jihadism to flourish within her borders.

Lebanon is therefore, as far as I'm concerned, by way of cavalier neglect, a terrorism-sponsoring state.