Thursday, July 08, 2010

Never mind the Climategate whitewash – what about our new £50 billion annual climate bill? – Telegraph Blogs

Never mind the Climategate whitewash – what about our new £50 billion annual climate bill? – Telegraph Blogs

If you thought it was too much to invest a billion bucks one time in a very successful international summit in Canada, well, juxtapose it with the astonishing, and annual, wastefulness on pure B.S. over in Britain...

Be thankful that we have a real Conservative Prime Minister, and he doesn't have a "coalition" with any hard-leftwing extremists, as is the case in Britain now.

If the Liberals (especially in coalition with the Dippers) were in power, they'd be one-upping the British!

1 comment:

Jen said...

If the Dippers, and the coalition partners were in government most definitely we would have:
Kyoto, the Cap and Trade system, the monitorium on every oil -drilling wells, anything either OBAMA or Europe wants that appeals to the Coalition (Dippers and Bloc in particular), will be implimented without hesitation.