WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Lake Jackson, the Libertarian-leaning contender for the Republican presidential nomination, long has waged war on the widespread federal spending he views as outside constitutional boundaries.
But the congressman, who often votes against spending bills, including funds for the Iraq war, leads the Houston-area delegation in the number of earmarks, or special funding requests, that he is seeking for his district. He is trying to nab public money for 65 projects, such as marketing wild shrimp and renovating the old movie theater in Edna that closed in 1977 — neither of which is envisioned in the Constitution as an essential government function.
The way it works in Paul's office is that local groups and officials from his district make pitches to him for federal funding. The congressman passes along those recommendations to the Appropriations Committee as earmark requests. Paul said he tries to treat everyone equally and rejects few requests. He said it would be unfair "for me to close the door and say this is a bunch of junk."
But in the end, Paul said, he would likely vote against the spending bills even if they included earmarks he sought.
Ah. Caught trying to have it both ways. How... establishment. How... status quo.
Sorry, folks. Ron Paul is no different, really, from the establishment Democrats, RINOs and "neo-cons", in that he says one thing and does the opposite because it's electorally beneficial to do so.
says all the right things, but his
actions speak loudest and clearest.
I have doubts about Ron Paul, and they're strong. Don't you? If you don't, then, well, what does that say about how much you're willing to look at cold, hard evidence and use your brain to process and understand its meaning?
Like Obama, Ron Paul is no messiah, no savior.
Obama said all the right things and was elected becasue of it.
But look at what happened.
Let's not go there again.
Ron Paul may very well be just another Obama.
Obama, too, has
made a stink about constitutionality, but his
actions tell us he really doesn't care.