Sunday, August 21, 2011

SUN News Continues To Kick Establishment Network Ass, Increase Viewership

Story here.
Sun News battered CTV News Channel Aug. 18, by bettering it in every time slot between 1 p.m. and 10 p.m. This counts as the first stretch of BBM Canada viewership ratings victories for Sun News sustained over a nine-hour run.

In addition to the Sun's dominance over CTV News Channel in that period, Sun News topped CBC News Network with its Canada Live, Daily Brief, Byline and Charles Adler programs.


"The incredible thing about these ratings is that they are rising so fast despite Sun News being available to fewer Canadians than CTV News Network and CBC," Lavoie said. "You can imagine how well Sun News will do when Bell gets on board and carries our network. Clearly, Canadians want access to an alternative voice for news and commentary."
 Of course, here comes the doubting-Thomas left-wing spin in the comments.  As expected...

1 comment:

∞ ≠ ø said...

Nah! ‘Congratulations’ has too many syllables.
They'll just mutter and stir their pots.