Thursday, August 07, 2008

East Turkestan Jihadist Threatens Olympics With Terrorism

Story here. ht: Drudge Report

Could this be China's "Palestine"? Starting to look like it. Besides, the East Turkestans preexisted Communist-ruled China, having been invaded and occupied by the Communists in 1955. So where's the international support for East Turkestan as a nation and the condemnations of the SinoCommunist occupation?

Well, it appears that the Chinese Palestine is about to cause the SinoCommunists their biggest headache yet (Jihadists aren't afraid of dying, and the Communists are likely to be quite nervous about this fact, preferring submissives to fight-to-the-death jihadists)...

A Muslim separatist group in China has made a new video threat against the Beijing Olympics, warning Muslims to keep their children away from the games, a US group that monitors extremists said Thursday.

The nearly six-minute video shows flames consuming a Beijing Olympics logo and an explosion over a venue for the competition, and features a masked, turbaned speaker clutching what appears to be an assault rifle.

The IntelCenter released a copy of the recording, attributed to the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), an ethnic Uighur and Muslim organization seeking to create an independent state out of China's heavily Muslim Xinjiang province.


Beijing is wary of ethnic Uighur Muslims living in Xinjiang, who maintain an ethnic identity distinct from the Chinese and have struggled to re-establish the independent state of East Turkestan since their homeland became part of China in 1955.

Any bets as to whether or not the CAIR and other Islamic organizations will set up a presence in China to push the Communists around, forcing them to leave Islamofascists alone in the name of absurd political correctness and a special double standard? Will the Islamists be able to wage "soft jihad" in China, with the goal of Islamization, like they do in the Free World? Nah! The Commies would just blow their heads off or torture them and harvest their organs for massive profit, and they know that, so they figure, terrorist violence only (hard jihad) for the Commies...

Well, the Commies have brought it upon themselves... they offensively invaded and occupied that nation wholly without provocation, unlike Israel, who won "Gaza" and the "West Bank" fair and square in a purely self-defensive action when she was unprovokedly attacked by Muslim nations in 1967. Israel's territory is hers, and not the Muslims'. The "Palestinians" should be accepted as refugees in Muslim nations, who currently forbid their entry, something decidedly un-Islamic of them, for they're supposed to help out their Muslim brothers and sisters, aren't they, and not use them as pawns in doing the KGB's bidding. Some Muslims, eh, those in charge of the Muslim nations who banned "Palestinian" Muslims from entering and settling, eh? This is why we have a "Palestine" (made up and talked about only after the 1967 war by one Yasser Arafat)- the Islamic World is intolerant of them, won't allow them to live there, whereas Israel treated these Muslims as human beings, with full human rights, letting them live in Israel, letting them work and prosper, even be part of the government... and we know how these ungrateful, hateful Muslims repaid this generousness and humaneness... even today Israel bends over backwards for them, aside from rightly hunting down terrorists, of course...

The Chinese Communists have no legitimate claim over East Turkestan, therefore, unless we accept that to the victor go the spoils of war, meaning leave Israel alone already! If the world says China can keep East Turkestan, then the world better say Israel can keep all of her territory as won in the Six-Days' War. Make up your mind, world! But if the world keeps condemning the innocent Israel, then they better condemn everything the guilty-as-hell Chinese Communist Party has done since 1955!