Friday, August 10, 2007

"Progressives" and "Hate": Their Latest Shock Slur

I'm sure we've all noticed lately that "progressives" (also known as leftists, liberals, moonbats, etc.) reflexively use the word "hate" and its derivatives whenever someone says something that they don't like.

Over and over and over again, progressives, when encountering a point of view with which they don't agree or don't like, slur people as expressing "hate" or of being "haters" or of "having lots of hatred for so-and-so"... I've banned a couple of progressive trolls for having simply slurred my blog as a "hate fest" and for denouncing my posts as "hatemongering". The words they used were so offensively disturbing, defamatory, mean-spirited and hurtful as to be unacceptable. They knew it, but used such words anyway. So I know all about their latest verbal shock-and-awe weapon, used in an attempt to silence folks who dare express opinions contrary to what progressives are required to believe via political correctness fed to them by their liberal-left leaders and the mainstream media.

Recently we've witnessed the ludicrous spectacle of progressives, being pro-illegal alien/pro-amnesty, denounce those of us who want the borders and the laws to be enforced as "haters", "racists", "bigots", "xenophobes" and so on.

It doesn't do anything other than demonstrate that "hate" is clearly a "progressive" dirty-bomb slur, a verbal sucker-punch, a beyond-the-pale low blow designed to excuse them from intelligent, fact-based discourse and debate as well as defame their political/ideological counterparts.

It also demonstrates that their position is indefensible, unbacked with any facts. That they're ethically/morally bankrupt. Intellectually limited. That the only way they have any hope of ever getting their way in an issue is to lie, cheat, slur...

Yes. Frequently today when we say things/take positions/give opinions the left doesn't agree with, they don't simply say, "I see. Thank you for your input, but I happen to see it differently. Here's why..." like civilized, rational, calm people. But when civility, rationality and calmness won't get them their way, they turn nasty, we know very well.

Also, "hate" is a term to describe a strong, unpleasant, hostile emotion. Isn't it interesting that "progressives" seem to believe that they can read our minds, tell what we're feeling? Well, that's fascinating, isn't it? Imagine that- "progressives" can read minds! Wow! Holy shit! Awesome, aren't they?!

Well, they can't read our minds. And, guess what, despite having been unfairly slurred by dirty-fighting "progressives" on this and other blogs' comments sections, I can assure everyone that I don't feel that emotion for any living being. Sure, I hate murder, theft, rape, abuse, terrorism, racism, sexism, discrimination, illegal behavior, corruption, refusal to enforce the law, refusal to be consistent with the constitution of one's country, refusal to respect human rights... but I don't hate people, even those who would do the above. Nor do I hate, for example, sharks who can actually eat people, though I'd hate to see a shark eat anyone.

But when "progressives" use the unfair, extreme, mean-spirited and, yes, hateful, slur word "hate", they clearly want to publicly paint us as hating people, something which they can't know; therefore, it's wrong and dirty to use this open-ended slur, which is also hurtfully defamatory and only causes bad feelings between people. They shouldn't use it.

In order to neutralize that word "hate" and discourage them from using it, we should use it on those who themselves are guilty of using it unfairly. It's a matter of "so how do you like being called something you aren't?".

Eventually the self-labelled "progressives" will use that word less and less and start using an even scarier word. Wonder what it'll be next? Will they call me, an infidel kaffir (non-Muslim), an "Islamic Fascist"? Knowing their tendency towards the bizarrely illogical, it wouldn't surprise me! Hell, they've already called Bush and Harper "terrorists"!

Gotta love the "progressives"... they provide me with soooo much to blog about!