Monday, January 19, 2009

Sober Second Thoughts About Economic 'Stimulus' Moves

Story here.

Of course, the Big Media isn't going to tell it like it is. We must look to those who speak the inconvenient truth if we want the inconvenient truth.

I'd have preferred more difficult methods of dealing with the problems.

I feel that doing simplistic things like allowing the debt to skyrocket in a likely fruitless attempt to "stimulate" the economy isn't the safe way to go.

We'll probably eventually look back and say, "it was a mistake".

Dammit... if only the Left hadn't made credit so available to those who cannot afford it, we wouldn't be in this fix in the first place!

It's the Left's fault! And also the fault of those not on the Left who squandered an opportunity to fix the situation before the big credit crunch crisis materialized. Then again, if folks like Bush had reversed the easy-credit-for-everyone-regardless-of-means nonsense, the Left would've hung him by the 'nads.

But the whole worldwide depression, you see, is the result of bizarre lunacy on the part of the Left, what with making it so that uncreditworthy folks could easily get credit. How stupid can one get? Why lend money to folks who can't repay it?

In the future, we really MUST return to conservatism in economics, for devil-may-care liberalism may stimulate and make things look good... for a while, but eventually, inevitably lead to disaster!

That's right... the Left's stupid idea of easy credit for everyone is the cause of the Great Global Depression that began during the 2008 U.S. election and catapulted a super-Leftist into the White House to make things only worse!

Oh, shee-it!

Unfortunately, rock bottom must be touched before we'll see a return to conservative principles as an inevitablity. C'est la vie...