Saturday, January 17, 2009

Scary! Obama Says 'New Declaration of Independence'

Scroll slowly down through THE VERY LIKELY TRUE FACES OF OBAMA to the story...
(*While remembering that Obama's own Leftist brethren said far, far far more strong things about George W. Bush, and never, never, never gave him the benefit of the doubt, not even from Day One, so if you wish to condemn me, you stupid Leftists out there, well, go screw yourselves with your own hypocrisy, for I take no lessons from worshippers of extremists who would find the shocking, hateful extremism of Rev. Jeremy Wright to be just fine and ok)

Obama's mysterious original roots...

Obama's early high daze in Chicago meeting all those radical Left-wing (and other, even more scary, types of) extremists...

Obama uttering his masterful oratory propaganda to a mesmerized, brain-dormant electorate, after bursting on the scene as a total unknown, not that we know him even now...

Obama at his extremist, America-hating, racist, "G-Damn America" "church", where he obviously soaked up a lot of hateful, insane, blasphemous bullshit over two whole decades (didn't notice anything in the entire time about the hate being spewed all over the place, my ass!).

is this man, really?

How do we know he isn't like the following pictures? We don't, so we must watch him like hawks!

Above, and above-above: A preview to January 20?
Remember, a little fellow named Adolf, who was elected with the help of his own Goebellian media forces, rewrote the German Constitution. We know how radically Germany... and the world... changed following that!

What the hell
is this fecking Hard-Left lunatic REALLY talking about?

Shocking story of unhinged moonbattery on the part of the new President, of whom I warned Americans not to vote... because he's dangerous, unsafe and too radically revolutionarily extreme for America... here.

Make no mistake... B. Hussein Obama IS SPEAKING IN CODE. Like the Communists, like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, like any other Hard-Leftist with a hidden, radical, revolutionary agenda they must necessarily sugarcoat with warm and fuzzy rhetoric and marketing slogans to get enough of the brainless masses onboard and not in opposition to what they have in store.

The "Peoples'" Republic of China is obviously not something belonging to "The People" at all.

The "Democratic" Republic of Korea isn't "Democratic", and we full well know it.

The ACLU isn't about Americans and isn't about civil liberties. It's true agenda is known by those who aren't brainwashed, stubborn Left-wing ideologues.

The "Human Rights" Commissions in Canada aren't about "human rights" at all. If you don't know that, that's because the corrupt, Leftist-controlled Big Media hasn't been forced to admit it and tell you yet.

When Obama is saying, "Let's have a whole new Declaration of Independence", what he says following this... isn't what it sounds like. He's speaking in code, LYING to Americans about why he wants this and what he really has planned, what his true agenda really is.

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AFP) - Barack Obama exhorted Americans Saturday to unite in a "new declaration of independence" from bigotry, small thinking and ideology, as he set off by train to Washington to take power.

"From bigotry"? What kind? By whom against whom? And is he really talking about "bigotry" or something else, like... JudeoChristianity, like Americans' existing rights which he finds inconvenient to his obviously extremely radical and revolutionary agenda? Who knows? He didn't say!

"Small thinking"? I suspect he's referring to people who think for themselves based on observations of reality, as opposed to thinking what Obama and his empire tell them to think.

"Ideology"? You mean JudeoChristianity, freedom, democracy and the rule of law... as opposed to radical Leftist ideology, socialism, communism, Big Fundamentalist Islam, Big GLBTism, etc... all of the crap he obviously wants to Americanize while de-Americanizing all that makes America America?

"The trials we face are very different now, but severe in their own right," said Obama

Again, no specifics. This is frightening. He could be referring to the difficulty the Hard Left, the Big, Leftist Dominated Media, imperialist, supremacist Islam, radical sexual extremist militants and others on his side... all have in imposing their extreme ideologies onto America and destroying that which they hate about America (like Americans' rights which protect them from tyranny and oppression) in the bargain.

Imagine what this new "Declaration of Independence" might entail. The sky's the limit since we've no specifics from Obama, so...

It could very well mean that Obama wants to rewrite the DOI so that certain "inconvenient" rights, like the First and Second Amendments and others, are abolished and replaced with "collective" rights and other crap that'll make America look a lot like the Non-Free World... for a "CHANGE".

This is, I suggest, what Obama meant when he said "HOPE". He was referring to the "HOPE" of the Hard Left revolutionaries and God knows who else.

Of one thing there's no doubt, for sure. Obama sure is full of "AUDACITY"... and so was Adolf!

I swear, I see Obama poised to make America... NOT AMERICA! Just watch him!

God help America!