Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ACLJ Effectively Serves Legal Notice To DC Police Before Planned Pro-Life Demo

They're being smart.

This time they're making sure, via a legal notice, that the police know exactly, precisely what's going to be done, where, and how, and have the opportunity to respond should they have any specific legal concerns about the upcoming pro-life demonstration in front of the Obama White House on his inaugural day.

So if the police say nothing about the plans, and then break up the protest anyway even though it goes precisely as advised in the legal notice, then they're going to look like nothing more, nothing less, than Obama's Gestapo responsible for protecting his image from inconvenient messages.

The police would effectively be premeditatively violating the demonstrators' rights, without having raised any concerns as to what they told police what they were going to do.

They'd be just like the Russian police, Chinese Communist police, Saudi police, Iranian police, etc., all of whom brutally silence the Peoples' inconvenient-truth-telling, upon the orders of the government.

So, if the police say nothing to the demonstrators, nothing to the ACLJ (yes, ACLJ, the American Center for Law and Justice), then this means that the demonstrators have the ok of the police to do exactly as they painstakingly advised in the legal notice.

So if the police say nothing now, then they have to leave the demonstrators alone so long as the demonstrators do precisely what they advised they'd be doing.

This is going to really make life harder for the Hard Left, who, so far, hasn't had to face opponents who shrewdly, preemptively deal with and hopefully prevent state fascism and rights violations rather than dealing with it after it occurs.