Monday, November 24, 2008

Liberals: The Party Of Old White Men, Not Diversity

No kidding! Think about it...

(...) when they were in power, the Liberals routinely accused their main rivals, the Conservatives, of being the party of old white guys. At best, racially insensitive, and at worst, racists.

That is, when they weren't sneering at Americans for being imperialistic racists, who, oddly then, just elected Barack Obama as their president.


As for the Liberals, the next time they claim to speak for Canadian diversity, actual Canadians may want to remind them to look at their own leadership race -- and then in the mirror.

Plenty of racism and other types of bigotry inside the Liberal Party... this is my own observation over time. They're in no position to make accusations against anyone. But they will anyway. Just watch them. Hypocrites. Where's all the supposed "diversity" in the race to be Liberal leader?