Monday, November 03, 2008

Obama Says He Would 'Bankrupt' Coal Industry

Barack Hussein ObaMugabe: Plans to destroy American coal industry. He said so!

Shocking story here. ht: Drudge Report

"If somebody wants to build a coal power plant they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted," Barack Obama said to the San Francisco Chronicle in January.

The Leftist propaganda spinners can spin this statement howsoever they please, but it's clear as to Obama's intentions. This radically extreme Liberal Fascist President-likely-to-be clearly intends to make 'em pay so much that it'll be financially impossible to continue to survive at all

We didn't make this up.

Barack Hussein ObaMugabe has openly declared his agenda to destroy at least one American industry.

Is this acceptable (this question isn't directed at the brainless ObaMugabe worshippers who will accept anything and everything their false messiah will say and do, no matter what)?

Choose your America! Reject Barack Hussein ObaMugabe! He plans to destroy America's economy, one industry at a time!