Saturday, October 14, 2006

Iggy's Bigotry: The Fallout Continues

Ignatieff: Unrepentant anti-Israelite for Liberal Leader: A perfect choice for that party

Welcome to the rough-and-tumble world of Canadian politics, Iggy Piggy! Charges of intolerance are a fact of political life in Canada!

And the shoe fits, doesn't it?

The Liebrano$$$ brought it on themselves by doing precisely the same kind of demonization to their political opponents.

Turnabout is fair play!

Bigots, the Liebrano$$$!

Story here. h/t:

The wife of prominent Liberal MP Irwin Cotler has quit the party in a fury over leadership front-runner Michael Ignatieff's assertion that Israel committed war crimes.


She accuses Ignatieff of lacking moral integrity and of sacrificing the truth for political gain in the leadership race.

(Emphasis mine)

And note that MP Irwin Cotler and his wife are Jewish. What's wrong with the pompous professor, going around offending Jews? I see... easier to offend the JudeoChristian people, as they don't chop your head off for offending them, as do the Muslims... geez, what a pussy, that Iggy Piggy!

Great going, Iggy... driving people out of the LPC with your bigotry!

Yes... definitely leadership material for the Liberals!

Bring him on!