Thursday, February 05, 2009

How Is This News?

"News" here.

How is it news every time some ditzy Hollyweird celebrity suddenly blurts "I'm gay" or "I'm straight" or "I wish I was, but I'm not", the Big Media report it as if it was the start of a new World War or the assassination of a President?!

What is it with the Big Media's apparent fixation-obsession with peoples' private lives, particularly the way they fool around, and with what kind of folks?

Not only do we hear of it on regular "news" sites, but how come every time I go to the grocery store, I can't avoid seeing stupid tabloids like the Enquirer with big, fat headlines that say, "Who's gay today?"...

How is this news? Why do we need to know such irrelevant details?

Want some news that isn't making news?

How about this:

Iranian arms ship in Cyprus carries 10 containers of rockets for Hamas

and this:

Palestinian long-range Grad rocket hits Ashkelon center

Now, tell me... what's news, what's important to know... some ditzy chick babbling about wishing she liked to do the lickety-split on other chicks... or news that Iran is massively arming Hamas in "Palestine" so it can continue to bomb Israel, plus news that Hamas of "Palestine" is still bombing Israel, and this time with LONG-RANGE rockets!

One can judge the Big Media (and its biases) by their selections as to what is and isn't "news", in their opinion.

Clearly, the Big Media is brainwashing the People so as to make them think as the wrong people want them to think, so as to facilitate their evil agenda!

Indeed... feeding the People irrelevant crap whilst withholding critical information that would tend to affect how they perceive the Israel-"Palestine" situation! Is it therefore any wonder why people are always talking about sex and "sexuality" instead of how horrible the "Palestinians" are to always be attacking Israel no matter what, offensively, not defensively, not-in-"resistance"? See what I mean? See what's going on? The People are being brainwashed by being fed B.S. and denied critical factual information by the Big Media. In this way, I actually, shock of shocks, agree with Noam Chomsky that the Big Media is corrupt.

Makes you wonder what kind of people the owners and controllers of the Big Media really are, and whether they may be stupid, clueless, ideological, on the take, or even evil themselves...