Thursday, February 19, 2009

Delusions of Importance: Liberal Leader Ignatieff's Got Them!

I am, TOO, important! Harper's screwing me! I just KNOW it! Dammit, I deserve as much time with The Messiah as Harper gets! Who does Harper think he is?! Prime Minister of Canada? Oh, big whoop! That's nothing! I, on the other hand, am, after all, Ignatieff the Great! I'm descended from exalted Russian Czarist royalty! I'm the Liberal Leader, dammit, and that's gotta count for something! I KNOW I'm hot shee-it, and Harper's jealous of me! He's out to screw me! Someone always is!

Listen to the big baby, Michael "Iggy" Ignatieff, rant about how he believes that Prime Minister Stephen Harper must've had something to do with the fact that he'll get so little time to talk to President B. Hussein Obama. Never mind that Obama's visit is all business and will be very, very brief.
Whaddya mean, I'm not all that important???

Never mind that the American President will naturally need to meet with the Prime Minister (Ignatieff is NOT the PM, though to listen to him cry, whine, bitch and complain, stamping his feet and pouting, it might appear that he believes
he's the PM, or at least he's got delusions of grandeur, which isn't atypical for Hard-Left politicians!).

*Sniff... sob... boo-hoo*... big meanie bully, that Harper... he make me cry!

I note that Ignatieff never went any further than making mere accusations, without anything offered to back up his claims. Nevertheless, the Big Media's treating his claims as if they carry weight, and are all too happy to help him make it sound as if PM Harper did something not-nice to him...

Talk about paranoia and delusions of grandeur and jealousy... thy name is Ignatieff!