Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Did MSM Cause Muslim Outrage?

Read this examination of the timeline involving the events following the Pope's recent speech about Mohammed and Islam. Pay particular attention to what it says about the behavior of the BBC.
The BBC, the New York Times and the Guardian are examined for their behavior, which could be seen as the cause of international Muslim unhingedness and murderous violence.
It begins by describing how quiet it was following the Pope's speech. Seems no one really knew or cared... until the BBC did its thing... and then the whole thing exploded from then onwards.
The way I see it from this examination, everything was fine until the BBC decided to pursue a course of action whose result was to forge an unnecessary problem. The problem may not have happened of its own accord; could it be a case of MSM manipulation of populations? Planting a seed and watering it...?
Draw your own conclusions. Is this the MSM deliberately creating international, interfaith incidents... perhaps to boost its bottom line? Would the MSM want to somehow hurt the Pope?
Maybe accidentally start a jihad? Would the MSM do such a terrible thing?
Was there malicious aforethought, or was it merely pure, unadulterated stupidity?
Reminder: Comment moderation remains on.