Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jihad Directives Posted Online: October Attack?

Story here.

This follows recent Al-Qaeda-style terror attacks, such as the one on the US Embassy in Yemen and the hotel in Pakistan. And plenty of heightened jihadist "chatter".

And all this in addition to what's going on already in terms of ominous conventional military buildup activity.

Russian warships have docked at Syria and Venezuela and have been sent to the Caribbean. Ten thousand Syrian troops have amassed on the Lebanese border. This follows Russia's imperialist, unprovoked invasion, destruction and occupation of Georgia, with apparently deliberate civilian targeting. Not to mention the daily, ominous rhetorical propaganda coming out of Moscow. No doubt, the Cold War is off the back burner, with Russia having strategically rebuilt, regrouped and rearmed, ironically with our money, the ungrateful evil empiricists, proving they can never be trusted again.

I belive that Russia and Al Qaeda are somehow working in concert as a loose, coordinated Axis, in the name of common interest against those they've decided to make their enemies.

Russia would find it convenient to launch imperialist combat operations at a time when the Free World is reeling from massive Islamist attacks. Such a scenario is obviously attractive to the Evil Empire. Darth Vladimir must be salivating like the dog he is.

Let's hope nothing happens, but it's definitely proper to be informed about the threat environment so as to be prepared.

Keep your eyes open.

Be prepared to roll if necessary.

Keep the enemy looking over his shoulder. A nervous enemy is a more mistake-prone, less effective enemy.

To the enemy: You are being watched. By whom, you'll never know. We could be anybody, anywhere, anytime.