Friday, July 25, 2008

The Holocaust Continues in China Ahead of Olympics

History repeating itself... shades of Munich...

h/t: Dragon Lady's Den

Meanwhile, the world pretty much remains blissfully ignorant. Why?

I cannot help but come ever closer and closer to condemning "progressives" and the "progressive" movement as "Holocaust Deniers". Why don't they demonstrate that they care? They say they do when strongly prodded individually, but that's it...

I also wish that conservatives would speak up more loudly. And boycott Beijing because of the cleansing the Communists are commiting against the peaceful, honest, tolerant Falun Gong people.

Why is it that people say that just because they aren't hearing about it on the regular, mainstream media, it must not be happening? What, do they have some kind of stubborn, religiously zealous-like faith in the mainstream media? Do they believe that the mainstream media, which is addicted to the almighty buck, just like the Chinese Communist Party, is going to tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I can guarantee that the MSM will not.

See also: Why China Worries Me, by the reasonable, to-the-left-of-myself Crain Padayachee.