Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"Gays" 244% More Likely To Be Violent Than "Straights": GLBT Group

...according to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs.

So if anyone wants to get mad that these statistics were reported, don't get mad at me; get mad at the GLBT folks themselves, for they did the report!

This makes one ask whether "gays" need protection from violence from those who aren't "gay", but also from other "gays".

Suppose, then, if the Democrats in America succeed in forcing the so-called "Hate Crimes" bill through Congress, will "gays" who assault other "gays" also be punished more harshly for doing so because they did it to other "gays"? How do we know that the legislation won't simply end up punishing straight people more harshly than "gays" for the same violent crimes?

This whole things sounds stupid to me... I propose, therefore:

Punish all violence by all persons against all persons equally harshly. If we need to deter violence with stiffer punishments, then increase the punishments for all violent crimes, period!

Don't discriminate. Don't elevate some groups above others. Grant everyone equal protections under the law (as required by the Constitution) without discrimination or preferential treatment.

Why doesn't the legislation do this? Do the Democrats have a hidden agenda with this bill to divide America amongst different groups, creating varying classes and levels of citizens, discriminating and favoring however they deem?

Are the Democrats bigots, racists, etc.? Whose rights do the Democrats want to take away?