Sunday, July 08, 2007

Enviro-nuts Too Close to Liberal Party?

Story here. h/t:

Well, it's true that the enviro-nuts haven't exactly ripped the Liberal Party a new one despite the fact that the Liberals, who ratified Kyoto, had done absolutely nothing at all to try to keep with the stupid Protocol.

It's also true that the enviro-nuts have teamed up with the Liberals, other leftwing Opposition parties and the MSM, to reject everything and anything the Conservative government does or proposes to do for the environment. Even though it's a whole helluva lot more than the Liberals did or proposed to do!

Can't trust Liberals... or enviro-nuts, either. Moonbats of a feather flock together, after all...

Too bad so many of the "environmentalists" today prefer to be more political and alarmist, rather than being cooly scientific, matter-of-fact, and practical-solution-oriented.

Being an asshat won't do a bloody thing for the environment, folks.

Why not try working with, rather than against, the government, who has the power to do positive things? Stop rejecting everything they propose. What, do you want to prevent them from doing anything positive at all?

Putzes, the enviro-nuts are. And the Liberals, too.