Friday, September 28, 2007

Moonbats Campaign Against Yellow Support-Troops Ribbons

Can you believe this? The moonbats want to end the display of yellow ribbons which are understood as a symbol of support for our troops and their mission.

This is just too much.

I condemn these nasty, mean-spirited, progressive liberal leftist revolutionary moonbat extremists who don't understand a bloody thing about the real world, or, if they do understand, take the side of the enemy!

Screw the moonbats!

Let's display the yellow ribbon as much as possible! Wear red on Fridays! Show our support for the warriors and their mission in any way we can think of!

It's our job as good people who really, truly stand up for freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights, to support the war, right here at home, and combat domestic enemies! After all, displaying the yellow ribbon supports those thousands of valorous men and women who literally put their lives on the line, voluntarily, for these great gifts to humanity, which aren't free, never have been, nor will ever be. These great gifts actually have a price: human life, and the Left doesn't want to accept this inconvenient truth!

Hey, maybe we should campaign to ban, say, the display of the pink triangle and the rainbow flag, just to show the moonbats how stupid they are. Don't like something? Demand people not display it! (Hmm... hey, we can demand an end to those so-called "pride" parades, which are just exhibitions of offensive sexual extremism).

While we're at it, let's make it a serious crime to display the Communist hammer and sickle symbol, the "Palestinian" flag, the Kaffiyeh and all terrorist-organization symbols. Ban those stupid-assfool-clown "Che" t-shirts, too. That "Che" guy's face just makes my want to puke... on the astonishingly idiotic poophead who dares to wear the dumb thing!

Sheesh! Bunch of fecking moronic lunatic moonbats!