Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Venezuela, Ecuador Threaten War Against Colombia

Story here. ht: National Terror Alert

Just like Israel, Colombia defended herself against terrorist enemies.

And now, just like with Israel, a couple of smaller nodes on the Axis of Evil have amassed on Colombia's borders in response, actually comparing Colombia to Israel, threatening to attack Colombia.

Oh, and is it any surprise that Colombia is a friendly nation for the United States?

If Colombia was an unfriendly nation, meaning another small node of the Axis of Evil, another proxy pawn of the larger Axis nations (like Russia, Iran and China), then Venezuela and Ecuador wouldn't have a problem with the anti-terrorist action of Colombia.

Chavez calls Colombia a "terrorist state" for dealing with terrorists. Interesting parallel with Israel and America, who are accused of every possible horrible thing for dealing with terrorists, too...

Just watch as the Left takes sides. Any guesses whose side they'll take? I say Venezuela and Ecuador's. Leftists claim they hate war, but when evildoers are the ones to start the war, they'll blame the victims, victims such as Israel and now potentially Colombia.

Mark my words, the Far-Left craplog "StageLeft", presided over by arch-Leftist "Balbulican", is going to have its hands full bizarrely, illogically calling me a "hatemongerer" and childishly giggling over my alleged smelliness thanks to this post and the one about Leftist terrorists in America immediately below this one. StageLeft and Balbulican are, after all, part of the Far Left and willingly volunteer to spew propaganda for the Axis of Evil. The StageLeft extremists just love evildoers and are their cheerleaders.