Above: Chinese Communist agents scramble to remove a Tibetan flag and restore the Communist flag following an act of resolute defiance by Tibetan independence demonstrators.
Below: The distinguished, dignified likes against whom the Tibetans resist. Don't be fooled by the uncouth, boogerly behavior of the Communist monster; they're deadly as can be.

Story here.
There were tears of emotion in the eyes of older Tibetans yesterday as their flag replaced that of ruling China for about 10-minutes atop the Chinese consulate in Toronto.
Chinese security agents quickly appeared and removed the flag, which they replaced with their own as they grappled with the youths.
The flag flap occurred during a Tibetan day of protest against China's human rights abuses, during which organizers cited a crackdown against their countrymen and other dissidents in time for the Olympics.
"China is an occupying nation that has brutally ruled Tibet since 1950."
That's true. But for some bizarre reason, the international community prefers to believe a Big Lie about the Middle East and wrongly support "Palestine"'s hatred, aggressions and atrocities against the innocent Israel and Israelis.
It's time for the internatinal community to go after genuine monsters, not those wrongfully accused of being such.
Quit the Chinese Communist Party. It's your right and the right thing to do. You do NOT have to be a Communist.