Why the media blackout on this disturbing information?
For a man who would be President of the United States, such remarks as these are indeed disturbing.I have done a tremendous amount of research on this man, and one of the most amazing things I found was his remarks in his books, "Dreams Of My Father", and "The Audacity of Hope" which I checked out from the library. His admiration for Islam and the disdain for the white race was disturbing. It is all there and it can't be taken out of context. Yet, nobody has/will call him on it.
From 'The Audacity Of Hope, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
Imagine if any of the other nomination contenders, either Republican or Democrat, had uttered such shocking declarations. They'd be immediately finished.
Further... if it's considered acceptable for someone to have such views on record as in Obama's case, then no one need worry about having ever said anything disturbing that may make people think they're a racist and a religious zealot.
What a difference in media treatment between Barack Obama and David Duke. From what I know about both of them, I don't see a lot of difference between the two, personally. The only real difference is that David Duke doesn't hide his views, no matter how disgusting, reprehensible, hateful and dangerous.
Should Obama become President, then those who voted him into office can't complain should they be unable to help but realize that they've made a grave mistake. But such is the reality of brainless, unquestioning admiration of an unknown person.
All political candidates without exception must be given the same amount and nature of scrutiny, regardless of skin color, gender, religion, etc. But I don't see Mr. Obama being treated so equally by the media. Then again, neither is Hillary Clinton, who's also getting a free ride from the media, who refuse to tell Americans about the developments in her ongoing felony case.
In contrast, just watch the media crucify John McCain on each and every little thing they find out. Just watch them. He is, after all, a Republican...
h/t: Dragon Lady
UPDATE: You gotta see this. What the f... is Obama, another Hitler? The similarity between the Nazi propaganda film and the Obama propaganda film is nothing short of staggering!
Interesting... using Goebbelian propaganda to win the Democratic nomination (and potentially the Presidency, just like Hitler was elected before turning into a totalitarian beast). Of course, the irony that he wants to be a Democrat isn't lost on me, considering the inconvenient truth that the KKK came directly from and was controlled by the Democratic Party and that it is responsible for not only the murders of many Blacks, but also of many Republicans as well, as the Republicans opposed both the Democrats and the KKK... I'm also reminded of the propaganda tactics of the communists and the "Palestinians".