Notice the new flagcounter widget I put up this morning, just under the masthead?
I think it looks great. Look at all the countries that've visited this site since then.
Fascinatingly, I've almost twice as many American visitors as Canadian ones. Wonder if this means that many Americans visit my blog to learn more about us quaint snow monkeys and what's going on up here in the big, wonderful frozen land of beer and fries with gravy and cheese? I believe that many of them are conservative Americans who are pleased to know that not all Canadians are such Ameriphobic progressifascists as the Liberals and NDP have proven to be.
Know what? I'll have to put up one that allows more than just ten flags to be displayed at a time, as already there's nine flags indicated. I'll do that later.
Update: I've changed it to accommodate many more; watch the flags accumulate again...
You can get one for your own blog; just click on the widget and look for the tab on the top where it says "Get Yours!".
Hmm... I bet if Warren Kinsella put one up on his site, he wouldn't get as many international flags on his! Who outside Canada would care to visit such a boring, narcississtic progressinut snow monkey site? And I notice that, although he now has comments, they're moderated like my own and there's only a few comments per post in evidence. Really, if he's such hot shit, he'd have, say, as many as Kate McMillan, arguably Canada's number one blogger, sort of a Canuck Michelle Malkin. Her comments run into the three figures on many posts, even considering that she has to delete trolls and dirty language posts all the time. Oh, and don't forget that Warren refuses to let us see his visitation stats, not even in the form of the number of "Visitors since" like I have at the top of my sidebar. Guess it's mostly progressinutcases online who bother with his site.
But I guess Warren's no better than me, a perfect nobody/scary conservative with a hidden agenda... poor Warren. Oh, wait... I have no sympathy... just remembered what a progressive asshat he really is! Oh, the heartbreak of being a has-been!