Cross-posted at Reuters
One would think that the international community would be alarmed to great extent by the horrible brutality of the Chinese Communists.
But the international community prefers to falsely see Israel as the monster of the world. This has to change; the spotlight of total condemnation must be swung over to the Communist regime of China now.
There appears to be some inconvenience to the CCP in Tibet, so the Communists have issued an ultimatum to Tibetans to stop what is found to be inconvenient activity in the paranoid, evil opinion of the CCP.
Imagine the international uproar if Israel had issued such a total, blanket ultimatum to all "Palestinians" to stop attacking Israel in any way whatsoever. Or if the U.S. issued a final ultimatum to Iran to stop being belligerent... or else "suffer dire consequences".
I'm waiting for the world to loudly condemn and issue its own ultimatum to China's Communist regime over this ominous ultimatum. Not holding my breath, as I understand the reality of the brain-dead world community with respect to real tyranny (China, etc.) and Big Lies about tyranny (Israel, U.S., etc.) where it doesn't exist.
It's inconvenient for the Communists, so they make false accusations all over the place, blaming others for what they themselves brought upon themselves:
China has accused followers of Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, of masterminding the rioting, which has scarred its image of national harmony in the build-up to the Beijing Olympics.
Where's the proof, disgusting Commie boogers? Don't have any? Of course not. You are big, fat, stinking liars as well as profiteering butchers of innocents.
A rash of angry blog posts appeared after China confirmed deaths in Lhasa and Hollywood actor Richard Gere, a Buddhist and an activist for Tibetan causes, suggested an Olympic boycott.
Good on Richard Gere, but I've yet to see his name in the mainstream media calling for a boycott. Wonder how come?
Tibetan crowds in the remote mountain city attacked government offices, burnt vehicles and shops and threw stones at police on Friday in bloody confrontations that left many injured.A Reuters picture showed a protester setting afire a Chinese national flag. Another depicted security personnel shielding themselves against rocks hurled by protesters.
Hmm. Sounds familiar. We have similar demonstrations in the free world, but we don't kill the demonstrators; we listen to what they say and then determine whether they have a cause.
I don't blame the Tibetans. If the world community won't blame the so-called "Palestinians" for bringing retaliation upon themselves for their offensive actions towards Israel (it's not "resistance" at all but aggression by "Palestinians" but the world refuses to accept truth here), then why on earth would we blame the Tibetans, who we KNOW are oppressed and tyrannized by their illegal occupying force, the Communists?
Hey, Communists in China: I urge you to practice restraint, just as you hypocritically demand of Israel when she dares to defend herself against the "Palestinian" aggression you yourself help to support and facilitate!
I demand that China pull out of Tibet. After all, Israel made a great sacrifice and pulled out of "Gaza".
I don't believe that if China pulls out of Tibetan territory, the Tibetans will launch rockets into China. After all, the Tibetans are innocents, unlike most "Palestinans".
I also warn the Communists to not dare attack/occupy Taiwan. Don't you bloody dare.
It's time for the world to shine a trillion-candlepower spotlight onto China until the Communists surrender!
It's time to demolish the Chinese Communist Party for once and for all!