Sunday, March 16, 2008

IOC Nervous Over Growing Boycott-Beijing-O Movement

"Penalizing innocent athletes" h/t:

Cross-posted at Reuters

Well, the IOC's appeasing posture towards the Communist barbarians is penalizing far more than just "innocent athletes". I suggest that the athletes be sent home, disappointed, but alive, and with their human rights intact (if they have any, where they're from, that is).

The IOC is just acting in its own interests. To boycott an entire Olympics could actually begin a death knell for the corrupt, irrelevant (like the "United Nations") old organization.

You know, with all those Communist soldiers in the streets with guns in Tibet, I'm reminded of those infamous Liberal propaganda ads from the last Canadian election that wrongfully accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of planning to do the very same, which he certainly did NOT do.

Today, in fact, the Liberals are proving that they could care less about there being people with guns in the streets shooting people. They don't really appear too concerned about Tibet. They prefer instead to hijack Parliamentary Committees for their aggressive, overzealous partisan witch-hunting. Not that they were doing any real work before that, anyway, what with refusing to stand up and be counted to put their money where their big mouths are after condemning the government's agenda, thus giving it de-facto endorsement rather than take their "opposition" thereto to the voters and make their case against the govenrnment... and provide an alternative with credibility and worth considering.

Don't get me wrong; I'd love to see the Conservative government in Canada get far, far tougher with Communist China, including issuing firm demands for Beijing to pull out of Tibet and to not invade/occupy Taiwan, ever, to respect the independence and sovereignty of these territories, just like Beijing hypocritically demands Israel pull out of lands legally belonging to her, as they were won fair and square in a self-defensive action against those lands' former owners, Syria, Egypt and Jordan. The Communists just invaded and occupied... offensively, without provocation, and only for imperialist reasons, yet the "international community" doesn't care, preferring instead to believe the Big Lie about the mythical "Palestine" and the Big Lies hurled against Israel.

As for what the "progressive" movement and the media are doing about this, not as much as they could. They're more concerned with this, this, and this. Whining about police arresting drunks and such (Yes, maybe some cops are being a bit too nasty, but what about Tibet and the Falun Gong and all other tyrannized people in China??? What about them???), whining about the seal hunt and whining about fighting the Taliban to protect the Afghan People from tyranny, torture and termination, plus the free world from terrorism. Anyone got links to marches and protests happening against China's occupation of Tibet? How about against China's persecution of and holocaust against the Falun Gong, China's organ-harvesting profiteering on live human victims, etc.? Who's in control of what "progressive" pawns and zobmies from amongst the public will protest and march against? Who directs the "progressive" movement, and who's in charge in the mainstream media, which covers only the protests and demonstrations it wants to cover and ignores those it doesn't? All questions that need to be addressed.

The world's priorities are wrong. People in the free world are so cavalierly comfortable as to only care to worry about themselves and their own selfishness and relatively petty problems (whilst sweeping bigger, politically-explosive domestic probems under the rug, like the problem of armed criminals). I just don't see that they really care as much as some would like to suggest they do. I don't see the same passionate intensity evident in the free world when it comes to the Communists, not even in the supposedly-caring-about-the-vulnerable-and-being-opposed-to-bullies "progressive" movement.

Let's get tough, stop playing nice with, the Communists and other evil regimes. After all, as freedom is taken from people elsewhere, those who took it away will eventually come to try to take it away from us, too. Don't we realize this? Don't we care?

And appeasement, "diplomacy", "dialogue" and all that... well, Chamberlain tried it with Hitler. It seemed to have worked. But it didn't, as evildoers lie and then turn on you... that's their nature... like the crocodile upon whose back one may hitch a ride across the river...