Former Democratic nomination contender Geraldine Ferraro seems to have shown her true colors... no pun intended.
I thought those "progressive", "tolerant", "liberal" folks were supposed to not care what color anyone's skin was. Are we supposed to think, thanks to what these progressives are saying about their own Party ilk based on skin color, that they're color-blind?

They're obviously quite "race-minded", to borrow a phrase from Canadian Senator Ann Cools.
Not so sure Obama's all that non-racist, either. He's written in one of his own books about how he has felt good by hating his mother's race.

Contrast this stuff to the Republican Nomination won by John McCain. The worst I recall is a strange question by Mike Huckabee about Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, which I thought mildly ignorant. And the suggestion by Huckabee's backer Chuck Norris that McCain's "too old" to be President. Relatively mild stuff, quite normal for party nomination contests when things get a little hot under the collar and people have these dumb little brainfarts and such.
But the Democrats' behavior... makes one recall their heritage as the people who brought forth the Ku Klux Klan... and the fact that one of their own, Robert Byrd, a former KKK Grand Kleagle, is a sitting Democratic Senator certainly does nothing to put the mind at ease. One must necessarily wonder WHY ON EARTH a political party, the Democratic Party, supposedly non-racist, is comfortable with a former Klan Grand Kleagle representing them in the United States Senate. It's bizarre.
One must also wonder why the Democrats don't seem to see Islamofascism as a threat and appear to prefer to make friends with Islamic supremacists just as they've been, and still apparently are, friendly with white supremacists. After all, of course they know that Islamofascism is as murderously intolerant as the Democratic Party has been.