This is too much. I fear there'll eventually be a (hopefully non-violent) kind of civil war between "progressive" extremists and innocent, rights-exercising, law-abiding, peaceful, tolerant, non-imposing Christians if this state-sponored active hatred, persecution... and prosecution... against Christians continues.
All they did was pray... in public. Isn't that terrible?
And happened to, by their mere, legal, constitutionally-guaranteed presence (freedom of religion, of expression, of assembly in public)... offend... guess whom? Yes, a bunch of homosexuals also assembled nearby, saying (or perhaps we could say "proselytizing" or "sharing with others") homosexually-oriented things, in accordance with their also-Constitutionally-guaranteed right to expression and assembly. The very people treated by the state as if superior to Christians. How dare those monstrous, hateful Christians be there, too? And how dare they lie prostrate on the ground (like we do sometimes and get away with)? How dare they pray? Can't they see that there's homosexuals nearby and that they're not allowed to make their presence known to them so as to not "hurt the frail, extremely vulnerable and completely helpless and powerless "gays"' super-sensitive feelings"?
You know, if the state apparatus can arrest, try and convict Christians for simply praying in public, then it can also do it to people displaying any evidence of homosexuality or of being Muslims. It's not farfetched at all, as we know it's happening to Christians already, just because they're Christians and are so publicly.
If Christians praying in public is intolerable, then so are, for example, homosexual parades and Islamic demonstrations of any kind. It won't stop with Christians... it won't stop with this de-facto Christallnacht. It can very easily turn into a firestorm and engulf any group, any individual... history is the precedent and the predictor.
State fascism must be opposed and terminated by all peace-and-tolerance-loving people everywhere.
Emphasis mine.
ELMIRA, N.Y. — ADF attorneys filed an appeal Friday on behalf of four Christians arrested and convicted on charges of disorderly conduct for praying in a public park. Police arrested the four last year after they silently prayed during an event celebrating homosexual behavior while lying prostrate on the ground.
“Christians shouldn’t be punished for expressing their religious beliefs. They have the same First Amendment rights as anyone else in America,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Joel Oster. “Arresting and prosecuting Christians simply because they choose to exercise their First Amendment rights in a public place is unconstitutional.”
On June 23, 2007, four Christians, including Julian and Gloria Raven, entered Wisner Park with their heads bowed to pray for the participants of a “gay pride” event. Materials advertising the event stated that it was open to the public and that all were invited.
The event was "open to the public" and "all were invited". Too bad Christians aren't considered people by the homosexual supremacists. Obviously, non-persons don't count as members of "the public". (Lest anyone go off their rocker, note the obvious and justifiable sarcasm here, ok?)
The four were told by a police sergeant that they were not allowed to “cross the street, enter the park, or share their religion with anyone in the park.” The entire group was later arrested and charged with disorderly conduct even though the officer herself testified at trial that their actions were peaceful.
Isn't that nice? I'm sure many "progressives" and homosexual supremacists will think so!
Clearly, there's a "police state" thing going on in America. The police are now frequently more like a gestapo, like Brownshirts, than like civil servants responsible for the maintenance of law and order and to uphold the Constitution. They're no longer deserving so much of the motto "to serve and protect" unless they change it to "to serve and protect homosexuals but not Christians".
If Christians can be treated like this, you know, like Jews were in the Third Reich, then don't be so sure the homosexuals won't be similarly treated someday in the future. Or the Muslims. Or anyone else a future state apparatus finds to be inconvenient to its hidden or open agenda. So stop the fascism if you yourselves, you "progressive" fascists, don't want it to happen to you via in-kind retaliation and in-kind, illogical "righting past wrongs" (your own infamous "progressive" phrase) in the future.
Strong words, but fascism must be fought strongly and frankly.
And the Alliance Defence Fund is fighting this fascism all the time.
Sic semper tyrannis. Are you listening, liberal fascists? CHRC? ACLU?
Certainly there are those ("progressives") who simply don't want to open their minds to the concept of Christians being persecuted/mistreated in America (or perhaps anywhere in the world).
AN Anglican priest has been beaten up and insulted in what appears to be a “faith hate” assault by Asian youths.
Police are looking for three men after the attack in east London in which Canon Michael Ainsworth, 57, rector of St George-in-the-East, Shadwell, was attacked in his own churchyard after approaching the youths, who were behaving rowdily.
Two of the three attacked him, inflicting cuts, bruises and two black eyes. The assailants are also alleged to have insulted the cleric for his occupation.
Whither Warren Kinsella? He seems to think that only "white" people can possibly be hateful and bigoted. He needs a jolt of reality. Maybe he should diversify his "hate-hunting" to include non-"white" folks, too...