
It was a pinko melee! A brouhaha! Pinkomonium! Bunch of pink-t-shirt clad moonbats arrested!
h/t: NationalNewswatch.com
What did I tell y'all just last night about how right Canada was to bar a CodePinko moonbat with a criminal record from entering my country? We don't want the above crap happening up here, either! We've got our fair share of these lunatics, too, thank you very much!
Besides, we can't keep Michael Moore and Howard Dean from entering Canada so far, so at least we can tell the CodePinkos with criminal records to stay away.
Probably that was another stupid, insane friend of the infamous, mesmerizingly charismatic Canadian communist-kalifascist internet cult leader HanniBalbulican Lecter... Hey, HanniBalbulican, that's right... you are a cult leader, charismatic, Svengalian, Hannibal Lecterian... and your site, which I shall not mention herein, is a virtual cult. Your followers will believe anything and everything you say without question, as if you were the Heavens Gate guy or David Koresh or Reverend Moon... so when does the spaceship come to pick you guys up? Soon, I hope!