Big Media reporting... Blah, blah, blah...
Non-Big Media reporting... "Craziest Man In Hollywood".
I say he's the new poster boy for Leftist Mental Disorder. And, yes, he's a Leftist.
Unfortunately, ordinary young folks are going to be behaving like that, copying what they think is cool. Just watch...
And don't be surprised to see Jokin' Phoenix get rewarded with some kind of big roles by Leftist Hollyweird... After all, the more mentally-disordered the Leftist, the more they make... Hollyweird has no use for normal people, after all... they don't think normalcy, sanity, straightness, etc... sells...
I wonder what this guy said about Sarah Palin during the last election? I mean, if this guy's the craziest nutcase... imagine what he'd say to beat the likes of Sandra Bernhard's hateful, racist, sexist (and unpunished by the Left, which itself is hateful, racist and sexist) insanity re. Ms. Palin...
Non-Big Media reporting... "Craziest Man In Hollywood".
Congratulations, Joaquin. You’ve officially become the craziest person in a town crammed chock full of crazies.
I say he's the new poster boy for Leftist Mental Disorder. And, yes, he's a Leftist.
Unfortunately, ordinary young folks are going to be behaving like that, copying what they think is cool. Just watch...
And don't be surprised to see Jokin' Phoenix get rewarded with some kind of big roles by Leftist Hollyweird... After all, the more mentally-disordered the Leftist, the more they make... Hollyweird has no use for normal people, after all... they don't think normalcy, sanity, straightness, etc... sells...
I wonder what this guy said about Sarah Palin during the last election? I mean, if this guy's the craziest nutcase... imagine what he'd say to beat the likes of Sandra Bernhard's hateful, racist, sexist (and unpunished by the Left, which itself is hateful, racist and sexist) insanity re. Ms. Palin...