Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Bloc Quebecois MP Praised Terrorism?

Why does it not surprise me to hear that one of the Leftist parties of the Opposition would have people who appear to support terrorism... in their caucus in Parliament?

Story here. It's an automated translation, so be prepared for it sounding a little like Stephane Dion.

ht: National Newswatch

Maria Mourani, of Lebanese descent, sent a shocking email to all MPs the other day.

An email glorifying the "Palestinian" terrorists and demonizing Israel. Typical Hard-Left brainlessness and prejudice. Typical brainwashed Leftist crap being spewed. The lady obviously doesn't think for herself and hates Israel simply 'cause she hears bad stuff, whether true or false, being said about the nation. Guess she dismisses all the bad stuff said about the "Palestinians"... why? Prejudice? Bigotry? Why are Leftists like this? Why do they not try harder to find the real truth, breaking through the Big Media/Pallywood propaganda?

Why did she send an email out that was supportive of the terrorists? It's clearly propaganda stuff she sent, and surely she can see that. So to claim that she was simply "sending out information" on alleged badness on the part of Israel is either a lie or proof that she's... STUPID.

This person is either a terrorist-sympathizer and Israelophobe... or she's just plain stupid.