Story here.
"We have a desperate population, and it's feeling even more desperate than usual," Dr. Lyle Rossiter told WND. "People are really quite frightened. They're looking for magic, and they think they are going to find it in this man."
"He has a particular gift for rhetorical speech that's inspiring, seductive and inviting," he said. "He's a quite charming person in his manner. People have been looking for someone to rescue them, and Obama has presented himself as the hero of the day."
"He's headed for a very severe fall because the expectations are far in excess of what anyone could possibly provide," he said. "We've reached the point where, not only can the economy not respond to the stimulus, we have an incredible amount of debt. The entire project is going to collapse, and he will be humiliated."
"If you keep trying to do it, you are going to destroy the character of the people," he said. "You may be able to subjugate them and get them into this dependent state, but, ultimately, society collapses because it's conceptually flawed."
"What Obama and the Democrats are doing is a profoundly political move to increase the numbers of voters by getting them on welfare so they will continue to vote Democratic," he said." Their immigration program is geared toward the same end – to provide legalization and benefits for illegal immigrants because they know 70 percent of those people voted Democratic."
Well, duh. As if we need to be told... by an unimpeachable psychiatrist who literally wrote the book on the liberal mind. Of course, there are still those who don't understand, so, hopefully, this information will open their minds and make them look critically at what they've been told over and over and over again is somehow a miracle, magic, etc...
Below: Canadian Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff grinning ear to ear with his Messiah. Look, he's got his hands in his lap... perhaps to conceal his happiness at seeing the object of his obsession and affection.

Bottom photo: Obama really doesn't care. He's too blissfully engrossed in being Lewinski'd.