If ideological antisemitism seeks to mask itself under the banner of anti-racism, legalized antisemitism is even more sophisticated and insidious. Here, antisemitism simultaneously seeks to mask itself under the banner of human rights, to invoke the authority of international law, and to operate under the protective cover of the UN. In a word - and in an inversion of human rights, language and law - the singling-out of Israel and the Jewish people for differential and discriminatory treatment in the international arena is 'legalized'.And the Big Media prefers to go on instead about claimed upsurging in "hate crimes" against Muslims, claims for which we see little evidence, definitely compared to the evidence we see of "hate crimes" against Jews, Judaism and Israel, including public "hate speech" and public incitement to hatred, contempt and violence and genocide. And most of these neo-Nazis are getting away with it, just because they claim that their hatred and defamation is in the name of "human rights", "anti-racism", "anti-apartheid", etc... despite the fact that what they've been told about Israel and Jews, is pretty much a Big Lie designed to whip up opposition, hatred and contempt to Jews across the world, starting with the Jewish state of Israel. While Iran openly spews hatred, contempt, defamation and incitement to murder and genocide and gets away with it, the world is calling Israel the stuff they're supposed to be calling Iran instead! It's surreal!But one example of legalized antisemitism occurred annually for over 35 years at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. This influential body consistently began its annual session with Israel being the only country singled-out for country-specific indictment - even before the deliberations started - the whole in breach of the UN's own procedures and principles. In this 'Alice in Wonderland' situation, the conviction and sentence were pronounced even before the hearings commenced. Some 30% of all the resolutions passed at the Commission were indictments of Israel.
After the Commission was replaced in June 2006 by the UN Human Rights Council, the new body proceeded to condemn one member state - Israel - in 80% of its twenty-five country-specific resolutions, while the major human rights violators of our time enjoyed exculpatory immunity. Indeed, five special sessions, two fact-finding missions, and a high level commission of inquiry have been devoted to a single purpose: the singling-out of Israel.
This week's ICCA Conference and London Declaration unequivocally condemn this 'legalized' antisemitism, calling out that "Governments and the UN should resolve that never again will the institutions of the international community and the dialogue of nations states be abused to try to establish any legitimacy for antisemitism, including the singling out of Israel for discriminatory treatment in the international arena, and we will never witness - or be party to - another gathering like Durban in 2001." The data unsurprisingly confirm that antisemitic incidents are very much on the rise. Still, the available figures only show half the picture - they demonstrate an increase in this old/new antisemitism by concentrating on the traditional antisemitic paradigm targeting individual Jews and Jewish institutions, while failing to consider the new antisemitic paradigm targeting Israel as the Jew among nations and the fall-out from it for traditional antisemitism. But the rise in traditional antisemitism is bound up with the rise in the new antisemitism, insidiously buoyed by a climate receptive to attacks on Jews because of the attacks on the Jewish state. Indeed, reports illustrate both an upsurge in violence and related antisemitic crimes corresponding with the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War, and the recent 2009 Israel-Hamas war, which delegates to the ICCA Conference characterized as a "pandemic".
I feel like Churchill writing this... I know I'm right, because of what I'm seeing over and over again, yet most folks obviously think I'm imagining it, that I'm a crackpot, though they're the ones who are deluded!
The World is perpetuating a new Big Lie, no doubt. And chief amongst them all are the Islamic World, the United Nations, the "Progressive" movement and most of the Big Media.
There is clearly, indubitably a systematic push to discriminate against Israel. Indeed, anti-Israelism is anti-Semitism, as Mr. Cotler made the case quite well. Further, to say that Zionism is "racism" is nothing more than piss-poor, hairsplitting anti-Semitism.
So many the world throughout are totally ignorant of the facts, of the reality of the situation between Israel-"Palestine". It's astonishing to me how easily people are misinformed and are too mentally lazy to look for the facts on their own. They prefer to let the state apparatus, the Big Media, political correctness, images of anti-Semitic "demonstrations", etc, etc... to tell them what to think, what to believe. Much like the Germans under the Third Reich!
The world has clearly been brainwashed with a New Big Lie against Israel and against the Jews, for Israel, who is innocent of the wrongdoing of which it's accused by those who've been brainwashed into hating her, is the only Jewish-majority and Jewish-in-nature nation on earth, and this, to anti-Semites, is unacceptable, therefore they demand the destruction of Israel.
I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Cotler, obviously.
As for the picture below, circa 1933, a Nazi minion stands outside a Jewish store. The sign implores Germans to "defend themselves" and not to buy from Jews.
Guess what? It's happening again. This time the bigots don't necessarily wear Nazi uniforms (sometimes they wear kaffiyehs, you know, scarves styled in a pattern like that of the silly thing Yasser Arafat used to wear on his head, and sometimes they, for some reason, also wave rainbow-colored flags and wear t-shirts with pink triangles on them... I'll never understand why). But they're just as prejudiced, by others spreading the New Big Lie, with insane hatred as is the brainwashed scumbag in the picture who thinks, just because he's been told, that he's righteous, just and doing the "right thing". Evil manifests in this way sometimes, when people delude themselves into believing that something they ought to recognize as wrong, as evil, as horrendous... is somehow right. This, as far as I can tell, is indicative of insanity!

Worthy reading: How Hitler Won Over the German People (ht: Maz2, in the comments)
In particular, I'd draw attention to the last paragraph at that link, to serve as a warning to the world and to everyone who falls for the New Big Lie:
By this time, August 1939, all sections of the regime, and the masses who had been so jubilant at Hitler's every "success," had ensured that their fate was tied to the decisions of the Führer. So it would remain down to 1945. In the wartime years, as seemingly glorious victory gave way to mounting, inexorable calamity, as defeat on defeat inevitably eroded the charismatic basis of his leadership, and as it became plain that he was leading Germany into the abyss, the fateful bonds with Hitler that had been sealed in the "good years" of the 1930s ensured that there was now no way back. The German people, having supported Hitler's triumphs, were now condemned to suffer the catastrophe into which he had led them.
Will today's world's people who link themselves so strongly, insanely, to the New Big Lie against Israel and Jews, similarly suffer a catastrophe into which today's latter-day Hitlers lead them? Don't these fools realize what evil they're helping perpetuate? Don't they see coming that which they're bringing upon themselves in their cavalier negligence to listen to their consciences, preferring instead to be mentally lazy and listen only to and believe only what the loudest, foulest mouths are incessantly screaming into their ears, never bothering to verify or debunk for themselves what they've been told?
Also a worthy read: Fighting the New Anti-Semitism by Jason Kenney
ht: Maz2 in the comments
Last year at our national Holocaust commemoration ceremony, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said, speaking of the Holocaust, that "this genocide was so premeditated and grotesque in design, so monstrous and barbaric in scale and so systematic and efficient in execution that is stands alone in the annals of human evil."
"Unfortunately in some countries," he went on, "hatred of the Jews is still preached from religious pulpits and still proclaimed from political podiums. There are still people who would perpetrate another Holocaust if they could."
Let me tell you some of the things that Canada is doing to respond to this new anti-Semitism. We have recently applied to join the international task force on commemoration, education and research of the Holocaust. In that respect we have conducted a national baseline study of school curricula on Holocaust education. Our Parliament has declared through all-party support a bill for claiming the National Yom Hashoah Holocaust Memorial Day.
We are addressing our own history of officially sanctioned anti-Semitism, the most notorious manifestation of which was Canada's refusal to accept the hundreds of Jewish European refugees aboard the St. Louis as it arrived in Halifax harbour in 1938. In fact, as that boat arrived in Canadian waters, one of my predecessors infamously declared with respect to European Jewish refugees that none was too many for Canada to receive. That is why our government has established a $2.5-million commemorative fund to help educate future generations about the incident and the hatred which underscored it.
(...)recognize anti-Semitism for what it is, a pernicious evil that must be exposed, confronted and repudiated whenever and where-ever it appears, an evil so profound that it is ultimately a threat to us all."