One can't criticize Islam, but it's ok for Islamic men to murder women??? What other impression could one possibly derive when this person declines to comment on Islamic honor killings yet is more than eager to condemn, without proof, without trial, MacLeans magazine and author Mark Steyn for "Islamophobia" for publishing legitimate, factually-based criticism of Islamic issues like, for example, "honor killings", in which Islamic men murder women pretty much just because they're women? Doesn't Commissar Hall care about women's human rights when Islam is involved? This is frightening, coming from the bigwig of the Ontario "Human Rights" Commission. Frightening. What's happening? Is the state apparatus, via this node and apparatchik, via refusal to comment on an issue as serious as women being murdered for being women, effectively deeming women have no human rights when an Islamic man is involved? Can they do this? Have they been doing this in any way, shape, or form? I certainly hope not! And now I fear for my own human rights... thanks to such so-called "Human Rights" commissars... This must be investigated, and not internally! Otherwise, Islamic men will receive the wrong message... and so will their women, who will therefore live in fear for their lives. I hope that Ms. Hall comes out and unequivocally condemns Islamic "honor" killings of women as hateful towards women and a crime against humanity, thus confirming that Islamic women have equal human rights notwithstanding anything Islam says and must enjoy equal protection under law as do all other women!
Story here.
ht: SDA
Report in the Toronto Sun:
Last year Hall commented on a Maclean's article by Steyn, "The future belongs to Islam." Responding to a complaint by the Canadian Islamic Congress, Hall stated, correctly, the OHRC has no jurisdiction to hear the case. Then she went on to condemn Steyn and Maclean's for Islamophobia.
Steyn pointed out the "sham" of the OHRC, when it is shamefully silent about so-called "honour killings." Young women are murdered for not conforming to oppressive cultural restrictions on women. But a journalist with an opinion? Oh, my. Can't have that.
I asked Hall for her response. In a telephone interview, she made some astounding comments.
(...)It was her response to Steyn's criticism of OHRC's silence on honour killings that shocked me.
"There are thousands of things that happen in the province of Ontario on a daily basis and we don't comment on all of them," she said.
But, I spluttered, women are being murdered.
"As I said, we are a small commission.
"There are many problematic things that happen in our community and we have to make choices because we can't respond to everything," Hall said.
Astonishing and chilling to me... What do you think?