Below: Warren "Kim Sheila" Kinsella again (maybe, maybe not- it's hard to tell with the tinfoil helmet he wears to block Neo-Nazi mind-reading rays), practicing a new song for his silly old-fart punk-rock band, what's it called again, "Poop From Heck" or something like that?

Renowned toilet-stall Nazi-hunter and infamous Pentecostals-insulting, stuffed-animal-wielding Liberal Party strategist, currently a nonpaid flunky of unelected leader Michael "Iggy" Ignatieff, Warren Kinsella, who's in hot water over a racial slur he made recently, also ought to be warned to watch what he says about Morroccan restaurants and hotdog vendors as well...
CASABLANCA (AFP) - Taking things a little too literally, a Moroccan man was jailed for six years for selling customers dog meat instead of beef, a judicial source said Friday.
You see, Kim Sheila, my good man... In Morocco, it's actually a serious offence to sell dog meat and to hunt and kill dogs. So remember: The Morroccans don't eat dogs, don't sell the meat at eating outlets and establishments... got that? Ok, good. Moving on...